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Why Did I Take A Break Again?

Alicia Maude

I know I have had a few breaks within the five years of blogging but this was really needed.

I did a blog post back in October 2022 called 'Why Did I Take A Break?' and this explained exactly why I needed a break last year.

Now onto this year...

Work is crumbling

I work in an office Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm and I have been there for over three years, I have known the directors longer than the business has been around. It was a nice place to work but something has happened, one director has left and then the other two I don't know what is going on but it has really effected me because we were like one big dysfunctional family and now nobody can trust anybody, everybody is slabbing one another in the back and it is just a toxic place at the moment and I have been coming home upset most days. I am having dreams about work, it is getting ridiculous. I have also put in a complaint about a director and the same complaint has been made by two other staff members so as this blog post goes out this issue is still going on and I have really been struggling with that. I wish I could explain more and maybe one day I can but it is a serious complaint.

Struggling with my health

Now I wouldn't say I have mental health issues but due to the issue above I have been crying a lot and also my health has been detiriating. If you watch my behind the scenes videos for Maude & Noah on YouTube you will see I get ill quite a lot and I have noticed this year I have been ill a lot. As I write this blog post and it is not a long blog post I have blown my nose three times, I am so snotty and achy and disgusting right now. I am getting more headaches, I am not sleeping very well and when I fall asleep I struggle to stay asleep.

Focus on Maude & Noah

I know last year I mentioned this, Maude & Noah's sales went down last year and to be honest they haven't really climbed much more online however I have been doing more events and markets but during my break I wanted to focus on being more retail based, getting stocked and bits. I haven't gotten any yet but I have been working on the logistics plus also building a brand new website which will be launching for the 5th birthday on 5th November and this has taken up a lot of time, rebuilding, taking all new pictures.

I am going to try and not let life effect the blog anymore but I can't promise, I have loads of blog posts coming up and I am traveling quite a bit.


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