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Why Did I Take A Break?

Alicia Maude

Simple answer, I wasn't in the right frame of mind.

Multiple facts caused this, I extended my leave and I feel like a failure.

I failed at a hobby, I failed at something that nobody else has an involvement in, this blog is mine and mine only and I failed.

I am going to be honest with the reasons I took a break and I am honest with all my blog posts, I generally don’t show my vulnerable side very often, I feel like that’s a showing my weakness for people to abuse but I have come to the understand that I don’t care. I don’t care what people think because if people want to put me down then they don’t care about me. Anyway for an introduction this has been pretty rambly so here it is…

Focusing on Maude & Noah

Maude & Noah is something that has taken a little bit of a bad turn, sales haven’t been there, I honestly thought I would have had more support from friends and family, ‘a little share of this social media post’, ‘a purchase or two’ but that hasn’t been the case. Now it’s not all my family and friends, I want to thank my parents, thank Jason, Maine, Sarah, Charlotte, Caitlin and Chloe who do this but other people haven’t. I am going to do another blog post about business and give an update on how things are and what I am going to do but I am relaunching and restructuring Maude & Noah got its 4th birthday so been spending a lot of time doing this.

Launching a new business

A school friend has recruited me to be a rep for FM World, I love the fragrances and it took a couple of months for me to say yes but I am now an FM rep and have a new social media page just dedicated to them called @theperfumedot, if you are interested to be a FM rep then email or message me on our Instagram page, I can also send you the brochure if you wanted to purchase any.

Feeling down

I am not saying I have depression and with what I say I hope I don’t offend anybody but I feel the title of being depressed is given and used so easily. I’ve been down, felt like a failure with Maude & Noah not doing so well, gaining weight, life not being the way I expected it, I’ve just felt down and like I can’t be bothered anymore.

Being stalked (kind of - I think)

I have a regular job Monday to Friday, 8am till 5pm, I don’t drive which is also causing me stress, the morning trains have been cancelled so I had to get a bus from Harrogate to Leeds then a train from Leeds to where I work. Now I was getting the first bus out of Harrogate which was 5:15am so leaving the house at about 4:40am and it was dark, streetlights are not on so it’s pitch black. Well there has been an incident and this has really freaked me out. Thankfully I’ve been able to arrange to leave the house later and meet somebody in Leeds so I get to work on time but this scenario has left me feeling really nervous now because this guy has mentioned that he knows I get the bus at such and such time and I get the Leeds bus.


I had my loop recorder moved which was terrifying and a blog post is being written about this. I want to apologise to anybody who will read it and have to go through it themselves but it was horrendous. I have also had a few weekends where I have felt rundown so lazed around the house.


I went on a work trip to Portugal in which I have taken pictures and there will be blog posts coming about it soon but I wanted to enjoy my weekend away instead of having to write blog posts and catching up.


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© 2018 by Alicia Maude

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