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Alicia Maude

What I Have Learnt As A Business Owner? (4 Years In) + Plus brand we are now stocking

I have learnt quite a bit over the past year since last time, if you would like to read the previous blog post then they are linked below:

I have learnt quite a lot this year, I feel like I need to be more prepared for things, I did my first market and wasn't prepared for it and should have just said no because I don't feel like my market stall was setup the way I wanted, I did a separate blog post about it and if you want to read it them click here.

Like every year it has been me who has promoted my business, I did my first paid promotion and I am glad I did it, I spent a little amount of money on the Facebook ad and will definitely be doing it again.

As a child I wanted Maude & Noah to be a beauty, fashion and lifestyle brand so I have bought in a few new brands during this launch; PIVOLEA who is a nail polish brand that I tried because of it being vegan and more eco friendly and then there is Vitamasques, I love this face mask brand, have been using them for years so when I saw the wholesalers I use started stocking them I had to have it on my site.

Check Maude & Noah out:



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