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  • Alicia Maude

What I Have Learnt As A Business Owner? (1 Year In)

Since starting Maude & Noah I have had quite a big change happen in my life, I moved out of Leicestershire to North Yorkshire, Harrogate to be more persist.

Being organised is being in control: I have mentioned this in every business blog post that being organised is key, I would have lost all control over business without my Moleskine diary and my laptop.

Make sure it's perfect: I know that I can't make everything perfect. What is perfect? What you think is perfect, others might not but what I mean by this is make it to the level of perfection you feel comfortable with. I had people help test candles and when I thought the fragrance was perfect I chose that one.

Bring your personality to the table: my business is my brand, I have added a little of me into every part of it, with the colour scheme being my favourite colours pink and grey as well as rose gold and silver. The fonts I love, the products I love and everything I launch are things I love and use all of the time.

Know your limits: I had this idea about a product and I won't tell you about it because one day it might happen but I kept working on it knowing full well setup fee would be extremely expensive but I just couldn't stop thinking about it and spending a lot of time on it when I could be dealing with more realistic things so I knew my limit and dropped it.

Celebrate milestones: Business is hard, business can be tiring, business can be stressful so why not celebrate every milestone so when I got my first sale I ran down the stairs in the family home shouting about it, then when I sold out you could imagine how I was. Just make sure you celebrate the good times because the tougher times can sometime over shadow the good.



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