I have lost all my secret socks, either they are lost or they have holes in so I have binned them so I have been wearing my shoes for work without socks and the weather in England has been getting a lot better so my feet have been getting sweaty. Thank god Primark is opening up, they do the best secret socks.
I thought I would share how I get rid of the smell from my shoes, I even do this with my trainers.
First of all I anti-bac my shoes, this will kill 99.9% of bacteria but it will dampen the shoes for the next step.
Using shake n'vac I sprinkle it into the shoes, due to them being damp the shake n'vac will stick.
I leave this in my shoes as long as possible, I normally do this on a Friday night as they are my work shoes and then hoover the shake n'vac out on a Sunday evening.
It will take a few attempts to get rid of the scent, if you can leave it in longer then it works even better.