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Alicia Maude

Three Fashion Trends I Can't Get On Board With 2021

Last year I did this version of the blog and still feel the same but have a few more for this year, if you want to read that blog post check it out here. These are just my opinions and I don't want to offend anybody but these are my thoughts.

Bucket Hats

I HATE bucket hats, I think they are stupid looking.

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This girl is stunning but the hat is ridiculous.

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It's even worse when it is furry or teddy bear style, so silly.

Double Denim

Sorry but I just hate this double denim trend, some people can pull it off with what they wear but most of the time it looks terrible.

Image Source: Pinterest

I don't like this, the trousers, the shirt.

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WHY? The oversize of both jacket and trousers is just to much and being different shades. Noooo!

The Mullet

I know people are probably thinking this is just clothing but fashion is also hair and makeup, that sort of thing and one hairstyle I keep seeing and think what the F*CK that I will not be joining in with.

Image Source: Pinterest

What has Debby Ryan done?

Image Source: Pinterest

I seriously don't get it.


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