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Alicia Maude

TAG: December #Blogmas2018

Another TAG that I saw on NikkieTutorials blog post.

1. What do you love most about December? The weather, I love how it's cold and you can wrap up and it's cosy.

2. What is your favorite perfume to wear with the holidays? I don't really have a seasonal fragrance, I wear the same sorts of perfumes throughout the year.

3. Which 3 products can’t you live without this December?

  1. Hats, I love wearing beanies.

  2. Scarves, I wear thin scarves in the Summer but in the Winter period I love wearing thick knitted scarves.

  3. Body/Face Butter, my skin is naturally dry but during this time period I love using the body butters and face butters to cover and protect my skin.

4. What is your go-to look this month? Winged liner? Red lips? Tell us! I am not somebody who has a Winter look or Summer look, I will wear a red lip whenever.

5. What is your most favorite glittery product? It can be anything! I don't really do glitter.

6. Show us your favorite ornament from your Christmas Tree! I don't have one, I don't think.

7. Which candy are you going to eat too much of this month? I'm not much of a sweet tooth but I have eaten a Lindt chocolate ball every day, I can't eat more than one without my teeth hurting and feeling sick.

8. What is your favorite December/Holiday related movie or TV show to watch? I love watching Narnia, I know people say it's not a holiday film but every year since I was younger I have watched them. Oh, also Harry Potter, I always do a Harry Potter marathon during December.

9. What do you really hope Santa has wrapped in a present for you this year? A physical present I would love the Kokeshi Doll by Lucie Kaas - Freddie Mercury but not physical I would love Santa to give me a successful 2019.

10. The Holidays are all about sharing the love, Who do you want to give a shout-out and why? My parents I would like to say thank you for being there and trying to understand me.


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