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Scan2Recycle (Recycle Scheme at Boots)

Alicia Maude

I thought I would do a blog post about Scan2Recycle so a while ago I was in Boots and saw this cardboard box with Scan2Recycle and didn't have a clue what it was about so thought I would have a look because I am really trying to recycle and think of the planet a little more.

Now I have a lot of products that I get through and when I finally bin the empties I do feel disgusting with how much plastic there is so this is perfect.

How it works is you can you item on the website, the website has to approve the item then you bring five empty products to one of the in-store recycle bins, scan the QR code and deposit the items then you get a voucher so when you spend £10 you get the cashier to scan it and you get 250 Boots Advantage Card points (£2.50) however recently there has been a special on where it is 500 points (£5.00)

I screenshot the process for you so here it is:

Sign in to the website (click here for the website) and you press deposit.

You get this page where you take a picture of your item.

Once you take the picture you have to the brand and category in.

In the bank is your items, the top has three symbols, thumbs up meaning you can deposit it, clock meaning you are waiting for them to be approved and thumbs down meaning your item has been rejected. You can see I deposited a lot of items that I had saved.

Now I started with 885 points which is worth £8.85 before starting this scheme.

Here are a few items that were rejected, things like aerosols, hair removal cream, flammable products, nail polish remover sort of things. Now I was trying to get rid of some expired eyeshadows but you have to depot them for them to be accepted, I have found shampoo and conditioner bottles don't get accepted. Also you can see that one of the Natural Collection Foundations rejection note was 'Already Submitted' I had two shades and one got accepted and I think they thought they were the same so I have resubmitted once depositing the first one.

Now when depositing the items, you can deposit as many as you like but you will only get one voucher per deposit so what I did was took 5 items each weekend. So you tick the items you are depositing and then put them in the bin that looks like the picture above and then scan the QR code then your voucher will come through.

Here are a few of the receipts I took pictures of, I don't do big shopping trips in here so the products I buy are my everyday items like vitamins, deodorant and hair bits like shampoo.

Now I know people will be sceptical but all you have to do is scan your products, take them into the store to be recycled, spend £10 and get extra points. What is so bad about it? I will be definitely be continuing.


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