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Alicia Maude

REVIEW: LipSense® Lip Colour & Gloss (+LipSense® Ooops!™ Remover)

During this blog post I will be reviewing LipSense® lip colours with their LipSense® Gloss in glossy gloss and matte gloss, each one I will see if the LipSense® Ooops!™ Remover truly works.


  • Smudge Proof

  • Kiss Proof

  • Budge Proof

  • Lasts up to 12 hours

  • Water Resistant

HOW TO USE (Lip Colour & Gloss):

  1. Shake tube well before applying.

  2. Start with clean, dry lips (no makeup, lip balm, lotion, etc.).

  3. With lips parted, place applicator on lip beginning at the outside corner and spread in a fluid, sweeping motion to the opposite corner of the lip without lifting the applicator – do not move applicator back and forth.

  4. Apply three layers of one or more colours (different colours can be layered for a custom look) for long-lasting results. 

  5. Keep your lips parted until the colour is dry (about 3-5 seconds). 

  6. Your lips may feel tacky until you apply Lipsense Gloss, so keep them apart until you have applied the gloss then you can ‘musch’ your lips together like normal.

HOW TO USE (Ooops!™ Remover):

  1. To remove or change colour: use Ooops!™ Remover and gently rub onto the lip colour, then wipe clean.

I really wanted to try these, I saw on Instagram that it lasted for hours and was smudge proof, I won't have to reapply all of the time. LipSense® do three types of lip colours matte, shimmer and frost but then you add the gloss on top to seal it in which could be matte, gloss, glittery, opal, pearl and the list goes on but I prefer my lip colours to be either glossy or matte. I had also seen that CarlieStylez on YouTube is a LipSense® distributor and she always looks so good, she is raising a pre-teenager, a toddler and pregnant so she has her hands full so if she says it works then I may as well try it out.

Sassy Z + Glossy Gloss

My lips are slightly dry which is normal for me.

The first layer is pretty sheer, I wouldn't say that it was a solid colour.

I don't know why but I was nervous applying it but managed and the second coat looked better.

I much prefer it with three layers and it dried really quickly.

Gloss sealed in the colour like it claims.

I was shocked when I took a drink and nothing, you can see a slight transfer of the clear gloss but that was a slight amount, my lipstick hadn't smudged or budged and I did this an hour after applying.

UPDATE #1 (4pm): I had applied the product at 7am, had several cups of coffee and worked for hours, talking to people and bits so was shocked when I got home to see that the colour was still pretty good, it wasn't glossy anymore but I wasn't bothered about that, the colour was slightly faded on the lip that is more inside the mouth but most lipsticks do that and look much worse.

UPDATE #2 (8pm): 13 hours later and the colour is a beautiful matte lipstick, my lips don't feel dry as if they are in the desert.

First thing, the Ooops! Remover smells like vanilla and I love vanilla, this removed the product quickly but all I could think was how delicious it smelt.

I love it already, if all of the other colours work like this then I think I will have to place another order for more shades.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Monday 13th August 2018

Praline Rose + Glossy Gloss

My lips are drier than the previous one I tested out.

It looked a bit messy and I felt a slight tingle but I expected that because it says that you can feel it if your lips are dry.

Second layer dried the same but this time there wasn't any tingling sensations.

By the third layer if you are quick and make a mistake take a Q-Tip (ear bud) and remove the mistake like that.

I didn't think I would like this colour but I do, I thought it would be too dark for my skin tone and I love the feel of my lips when the gloss is on.

No sooner I put the lipstick on I took a swig of my coffee and no marks or transfers.

UPDATE #1 (3:30pm): After multiple mugs of coffee, hours of working and speaking to customers and eating a sandwich I don't think the lipstick looks that bad, the glossy look has gone, my lips are dry but they were before I applied it.

UPDATE #2 (8pm): I applied it at 7am and 13 hours left and its not the best looking but by now normal lipstick would have an even worse look.

Ooops! Remover was a quick removal.

I didn't think I would like this colour but I did.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Thursday 16th August 2018​

Nude Pink + Glossy Gloss

Like usual my lips are dry, today is the day of my Godson's christening so I wanted a subtle shade, I managed to get my hands on Nude Pink which is a popular limited edition shade I think that has been sold out for a while. Thought I would also mention that I have such a dodgy tan at this point in time.

Barely can see the shade but I think it is because my lips are so red.

The colour is better but not really nude on my naturally bright lips.

The colour looks better but not as good as I expected or wanted to be honest.

I didn't like the way it looked until I added the glossy gloss. It looks a lot better and I could see myself using this as my everyday lipstick shade.

No traces of any lipstick on my coffee cup.

UPDATE #1 (3pm): A beautiful matte shade has been left instead of glossy.

UPDATE #2 (9pm): ​I applied this lipstick at 8am, I wish it was later as I would have loved a lie in on a Sunday but I had the Christening to attend but when I came home I had a few jobs around the house to do and didn't manage to do my final update until 9pm so 13 hours later and it looks worn but it has been used a lot, I have drank many cups of coffee and kissed my gorgeous Godson on the cheek.

The Ooops! Remover got rid of the lipstick like previous colours.

I will definitely be using this colour as my everyday shade, I love the way it looks and I love the way it wears, I will plan to apply glossy gloss half way through the day which is understandable. LipSense® claims that the colour lasts 12 hours which it does.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Sunday 19th August 2018​

Blu-Red + Glossy Gloss

My lips are really dry at the moment although before applying my makeup I smeared a lot of lip balm on and before applying the lip colour I removed the excess lip balm.

First layer is really patchy and very weak looking.

Second layer is better looking, still slightly patchy.

Final layer is such a beautiful shade, I love the look of this colour, it brings back memories of lipsticks I used to wear years ago.

The glossy gloss has sealed the colour in, I personally don't like glossy red lipsticks myself but it looks okay. It is just my personal preference.

No trace of my lipstick.

UPDATE #1 (5:30pm): I prefer the look of the lipstick now that it has mattified once the glossy gloss has worn off.

UPDATE #2 (8pm): My lips feel dry but not sore, the inner part of my lips has worn off.

The Ooops! Remover was needed to remove this colour, I applied it and wiped off and not all of it was removed straight the way so I had to put another layer of the remover on and left it on my lips a few minutes allowing it to sink in and removed it afterwards and it all came off.

I really like the look of this lipstick and feel that it is such a useful thing to have if you are a dancer or if you work long hours. Years ago when I worked in a restaurant and bar I would have loved this, I didn't have to reapply so it would have been a life saver.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Monday 20th August 2018​

Berry + Glossy Gloss

My lips are really sore and chapped.

First layer is patchy.

Second layer is patchy still.

Third layer patchy as well.

Still patchy on the fourth layer but that will be the last layer I put on.

I applied the glossy gloss on top, it made the colour look better than it really is, still patchy but doesn't look as bad.

UPDATE #1 (12pm): Popped into the staff room and took a photo of my lips, I have drank multiple cups of coffee and press my lips together quite a lot and to think its been hours applying and it doesn't look as bad as usual lip products.​

UPDATE #2 (4pm): On my 2o minute lunch break (yes at 4pm - late or what) at work I decided to take a photo after I ate my lunch which is a noodle soup pot, my lips don't look as fresh but to think I haven't topped them up.

UPDATE #3 (7pm): I think back to when I used to wear dark lips at work years ago and I just remember wiping off and re-applying or the smudges that were caused by me drink (soft drinks) and just think how amazing this product is.

I applied the Ooops! remover and wiped off majority of the lip product, I took a photo and then afterwards I applied another layer of the remover and let it sit and mask my lips then wiped it off and had completely removed.

I feel if I was able to get a solid colour it wouldn't have looked as bad and would have lasted longer and nicer. My lips were dry prior and dry afterwards so I believe if you have soft, smooth lips it would be brilliant but if you don't either exfoliate your lips prior to applying.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 4/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Monday 28th August 2018

Goddess + Glossy Gloss

My lips are sore and really dry. Sorry about the poor lighting in the application pictures, it was 6:30am when I applied this so the sun had barely risen.

The layer look okay I feel but I don't know if it is because it's a similar shade to my natural lip colour.

Second layer looks good too in my own opinion.

Third layer is good too.

I like the look of this lip colour with the gloss, it reminds me of a Dior lipgloss that I had years ago that I can't get my hands on anymore and I loved that gloss.

UPDATE #1 (6pm): After a long shift without any breaks I managed to take a photo of my lips and like the way it looks after 11.5 hours because that's how long it had been on my lips at this point - multiple bottles of water and multiple mugs of coffee later.

UPDATE #2 (9pm): After 14.5 hours of wearing the lip colour you can see it is worn in the middle.

I like this shade, I can't believe how long it lasted in a decent way.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Tuesday 29th August 2018

Caramel Latte + Glossy Gloss

My lips are dry and sore.

Applying the first layer at 6:30am, first layer is slightly patchy.

Second layer looks a lot better.

With the third layer you can see the shimmer a better, it looks subtle.

The gloss has made it look a lot smoother.

UPDATE #1 (2:30pm): The glossy gloss has worn off and the inner part of my lip is worn away slightly but doesn't look too bad if I'm not pouting.

UPDATE #2 (8pm): 13.5 hours later and my lips are matte and don't look the best, I feel like my lips are super dry.​

As a product it is good, I personally don't like this shade on me, I'm not into shimmer - subtle or not. It didn't smudge and fully removed with the Ooops! Remover.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: shimmer Star Rating: 4.5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Wednesday 30th August 2018

Praline Rose + Matte Gloss

In the second photo you can see the fine lines that I have on my lips.

The first layer isn't 100% solid but not far off.

Second layer isn't perfect, it looks messy but the shade is solid.

The matte gloss makes it look perfect, I really like the look of it.

UPDATE #1 (4pm): I applied it at 6:30am so for now it looks decent.

UPDATE #2 (9:30pm): 15 hours later and it has worn off evenly and not in a bad way.

I love how this lip colour looks and lasts, it was easily removed with the remover. My lips didn't feel as dry as they used to and I had read that people say if you wear these colours daily that your lips get smoother and I have to agree that normally with liquid lipstick by now my lips would be bright red and so sore.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Thursday 31st August 2018

Blu-Red + Matte Gloss

My lips still have the fine lines but today they aren't dry. I was up at 6:30am doing my makeup.

I love the shade of layer #1 already, you can see in this picture that my lips aren't even, I have considered having lip filler to even them out.

Second layer I tried to even up the layers of my lips.

The extra layer has made the lip colour slightly darker, I liked all the shades/layers.

The gloss has just perfected the look, I love it.

Starbucks run at 8am - no trace of lipstick.

UPDATE #1 (1pm): If I pout you can see that the inner part of my lip is worn but otherwise it looks really good and to think today I have drank loads of coffee at this point.

UPDATE #2 (4:30pm): Finished work and thought I would see how my lips looked and I can't believe how nice they look.​

UPDATE #3 (8:30pm): 14 hours later and it still looks amazing.

Out of all of the shades this has impressed me the most, I wish I knew of LipSense® when I was 17/18 when I worked in a restaurant bar, I would constantly have to check that my lipstick hadn't smudged or worn off. I love it, I might bring back my "trollop lips" - there is a story behind that and I will mention it in a separate blog post. If you use this lip colour you will need to let the Ooops! Remover to sit on the lips and work thoroughly before removing.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Monday 3rd September 2018

Goddess + Matte Gloss

Typical for me to have dry lips.

6:30am - First layer you can see my dry/flaky parts of my lips.

Second layer you can still see my flaky lips, probably should have exfoliated my lips prior to applying this product.

After applying the third layer it looks nicer.

Applying the matte gloss on top as the top coat it looks even and really smooth.

Morning Starbucks as I head into work and no transfer.

UPDATE #1 (8:30pm): 14.5 hours later and its worn in a nice even way.

It's a nice colour, lasts nicely and can be easily removed with the Ooops! remover.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Tuesday 4th September 2018

Nude Pink + Matte Gloss

I feel like I am constantly telling you that my lips are dry or sore.

6:30am and the first layer is barely noticeable on my lips.

Second layer is better, you can see the pigment better.

Third layer and the pigment is more visible and even.

Matte gloss makes it look smoother.

UPDATE #1 (6pm): 11.5 hours later and it is worn but evenly (repeating myself).

UPDATE #2 (9pm): 14.5 hours later and there is still a slight pigment but it's not as bold as last time.

I can't believe how nice my lips feeling throughout the day, 14.5 hours later and normally my lips would be mega sore and screaming for some form of moisture.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Wednesday 5th September 2018

Sassy Z + Matte Gloss

My lips aren't as dry as normal.

6:30am and the first coat looks nice.

I think I could have just left it with the second coat, it's a solid and decent colour.

Third layer is better than the second, I like how you can do a subtle look or a more bold and dramatic look.

I have to admit that these LipSense® colours look a lot better with a gloss/top coat on top if it be glossy gloss or matte gloss.

UPDATE #1 (6:30pm): 12 hours later, it's not looking the freshest but there is still some pigment to my lips.

I love how this shade looks, the Ooops! Remover removed every little bit of it.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Friday 7th September 2018

Berry + Matte Gloss

My lips aren't as bad today.

A thin layer first of all so it's not as bad, I guess the thinner the layer is better.

Second layer is patchy.

Third layer shows off my dry lips sadly.

After applying the matte gloss it looks better but not amazing.

UPDATE #1 (9am): I have already had a cup of coffee prior to taking this picture so it's not as bad.

UPDATE #2 (6:30pm): My lips look messy but to think it has been 12 hours I think it's okay.

UPDATE #3 (9:30pm): I washed my face at about 7:30pm as well as my lips but to think 2 hours after that my lips still have Berry on them.

I feel I should have exfoliated my lips prior to applying this and maybe it would have lasted in a better way, I started picking at my lips.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: matte Star Rating: 4/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Tuesday 11th September 2018

Caramel Latte + Matte Gloss

My lips are sore, my eyes are sore, my whole body is sore to be completely honest.

First layer makes my lips look slightly pinker but thats it.

Second layer is nice.

Third layer on and feels comfortable.

Matte gloss on.

UPDATE #1 (3pm): I can't believe how nice my lips look after 8.5 hours and multiple mugs of coffee.

This has been a really nice colour to wear, I didn't expect to like this colour because it has a slight shimmer but it's not noticeable without looking up close.

Frost / Matte / Shimmer: shimmer Star Rating: 5/5 Ooops!™ Rating: 5/5 Date Tried: Wednesday 12th September 2018

My overall opinion is 'oh crap...I am going to be skint', I need to purchase every shade because I love them, I have never found a lipstick that I have loved as much as these, nothing has ever lasted as long as these and they are definitely worth the money. What I have learnt is that a thin layer is the best way to apply it, the thicker the layer the patchier the colour.

Price for LipSense® Colour: £22.00 each Price for LipSense® Gloss: £18.00 each Price for LipSense® Ooops!™ Remover: £10.00 Star Rating (LipSense® Colour & Gloss): 4.5/5 Star Rating (LipSense® Ooops!™ Remover): 5/5


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