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Alicia Maude

New Job, New Home, New Me!

You may have saw on my Instagram page that I said I would do a blog post explaining why I took a break from my blog well life has dramatically changed this past year for me and my family but in September in particular it changed and I am so excited for the future but needed to take time to focus on all that stuff then come back to the blog.

Now I know a few members of my family and also friends read this blog and I know there are some questions people probably want to ask and they won’t directly ask us and they will probably be answered further down below in the blog as well as answering rumours being answered so here goes.

I was so unhappy in my job at the beginning of the year, I worked in catering for a friend of a friend and as much as I appreciate the job I regret taking it and if there is any advice I can give to anybody I would suggest you don’t do that because it could possibly effect your friendship. I was based at one site that was close to my house but my hours were cut, the manager gave them to another member of staff because they were friends outside of work, I would be on the bus going into work and get a text saying I wasn’t needed, money I spent to get to work to earn money never got made. Due to me being “willing” to travel to the other sites I went off and did the odd shifts at the other sites, I felt like a ping pong ball going backwards and forwards and when I became more permanent at another site that rubbed the other site up the wrong way, causing issues with them. Now “willing” isn’t really the case; it was either I ask for other shifts from the other sites or get no shifts. Me and one other woman at work Halle really tried to prove ourselves, setting up an Instagram page for the site and running it, making the picture look presentable, coming up with other recipe ideas to suit the site especially when it came to seasons such as Halloween and Summer but there was just no appreciation. I just didn’t like the inconsistency and when I was offered a more scheduled rota it was at the other site and just wouldn’t workout for me because I lived two bus journeys away from this site which I was willing to do but I would have to get a taxi to get there on a Sunday to do that shift because the buses wouldn’t be running at that time and that meant I wasn’t earning any money because this job was minimum wage. Minimum wage, maximum effort. Now don’t get me wrong I did have some good times there, I made some good friends there too (Halle and Colleen).

A family friend had just moved back to Yorkshire and her husband had started a new job and he asked if I was interested in a job there. Not having a clue on the job I went for a trial day and sat watching maps and Excel sheets pop up on an Apple screen and thought I can do this. If I was to take the job I could stay with family friends until I got onto my feet.

My sister Amelia is already up here in Leeds for university so mum and dad discussed moving, this is the best time for them to move, if they don’t do it now they won’t ever do it. My brother George was going off to travel Australia for three years and my other brother Ethan was going to university in Manchester so why not all of us make a huge life altering decision and move and we did, we now live in Harrogate and I love it. It feels like home, countryside but still got a slight city life to it, I get the train into work so that is easy. Harrogate has everything you possibly could need.

I have proven myself at work and gone from working in the planning team to working in the planning team as well as the activation team so I am split between two teams which isn’t normal in the job to only just yesterday getting the confirmation that I am in charge of activation and safe digs which is the job I suggested/wanted. I will say there have been stressful times but I know that I work Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm and I know how much holiday I am entitled to, I know how much money I will receive in my bank account at the end of each month. I have made a few friends who have made me cry laughing at work (thanks Rooker) and got some amazing advice off (thank you Natalie). Will I stay at this place for the rest of my life? I don’t know.

With a new job, new house, new people in my life I have changed the way I live as well so I walk a lot more but that is more walking from the home to the train and train to home but also into Harrogate Town centre just have a wonder around the shops. I also have started going to the gym, I wear clothes that I love but thought I was too fat to wear and people probably think it but I wear it with a little more confidence. I get up in the morning and do my hair and makeup every morning whereas I started becoming sloppy at my old job and didn’t bother.

There isn’t much more to it, moving house, whilst working full time as well as suffering with a terrible cough (yes I got sick) is hard work and we still live in boxes after two weeks being in this house but I love it.

Here are some questions that I know people have:

We moved to Yorkshire because a family friend moved there?: No, me and the family were going to move years ago but the move fell through last minute which caused us to stay in Leicester and never had chance to move because people had GCSEs or A-Levels and this year was the perfect

We moved to be closer to a family friend?: No, to think we live in Harrogate and she lives near Skipton so it’s not like we are really close to one another, we live about a 45 minute drive away from them.

We are running away: away from what, we wanted a new adventure so maybe yes we were running away from the old boring life for something new and exciting, I can’t speak for my whole family but I felt Leicester was getting too small for me, I hated the fact that people knew who you were, we would go to the local Tesco and hear people say that’s David INSERT LAST NAME and I would ask my dad who it was and he wouldn’t have a clue. I also felt like I was stuck in life there, going nowhere, I was given an opportunity to go experience and learn about a new industry which has opened my career up to many others now that I have been learning about these systems. I was also just seen by some people as a child, probably because they knew my parents first they see me as Debra and Dave’s daughter but not their adult daughter just a child and what they have to realise is that is offends me when they ask my parents personal questions about me and don’t ask me directly, some of them I thought were my friends too.

Never mentioned Cub (the kitten) how did he adjust to the move?: We worried that he would get motion sickness so we got from the pet shop some cream that you put on their head and it calms them down. We got a cat carry case and put him in there with some towels and put it on the middle seat of the van in-between me and my dad. He cried for the first 45 minutes and then fell asleep, we stopped for lunch and he was awake and just sitting in the case but was fine then started the engine and cried for another 30 minutes but fell asleep after that. He’s a good boy, now poo-poos or pees in the case and he wasn’t sick either. He seems to have settled into the new house, we let him out after two days and he comes straight back, I know people put butter on their cats feet to help them find where they are going, we didn’t.

Will I continue blogging?: Yes, I will continue blogging especially on place to go in Harrogate and things to do and then I might branch out into York or Knaresborough.

Will I continue with Maude & Noah?: Yes, I am still rebrand and working on new things for the website and new products, it’s just taken longer to do because of the move but expect that soon. I am so excited for the new launches.

Will I ever go back to Leicester?: The reaction we got from friends and family when we told them that we were moving to Yorkshire was as if we were moving to Mars and would never see them again, I have just been back to Leicester recently, I’ve been back a few times, even went back to my old job just to see Colleen and see how she was. I plan to go back in December to see my friends and Godchildren.

If there are any other questions you have then just ask, I would appreciate people to see me as an adult (I am 23) and come to me directly because I will answer any questions you have.



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