If this is the first one of these blog posts then welcome, I am somebody with a list of issues in which the doctors are baffled by me but this blog exact blog post is written daily then will get published at some point, at the bottom because I am trying to lose weight I have a little bit of weight bit down there.
Thursday 2nd April 2020: I really am struggling with this who social distancing, staying inside, I know it is to help stop the spread of corona virus but I was someone who would be constantly socialising, seeing new people daily.
Saturday 4th April 2020: I received a letter from the hospital and I expect to get a load more of these from the different departments, 'Given the current COVID-19 pandemic your clinic appointment with endocrinology is being postponed.' My blood test has come back normal which was taken ages ago so my thyroid levels are good although I do feel it low some times. The radiologists are going to compare my scans to look at Rathke's cleft cyst.
Tuesday 14th April 2020: I have really been suffering the past 5 odd days with what feels like the flu: aching, coughing, sore throat, going hot and cold, headache. They are also symptoms of coronavirus so I am in isolation which I am actually video documenting whether or not it will be posted, I don't know. It's annoying because I was supposed to start my new job today but today I am feeling a little better.
Wednesday 22nd April 2020: my mum I must thank because I was being fobbed off by the doctors who just thought I was suffering from corona and my mum was adamant that I had a chest infection so she arrange for a doctor to ring me and that doctor put me on Omeprazole and Peptac because she thinks I have acid reflux. Both me and my mum think it's BS.
Monday 27th April 2020 (Depo Injection): I went and had my depo injection, now if anybody is reading this and has Depo injections can you tell me if they put the injection in the butt cheek or high up. Back in Leicester I used to have it right in the butt cheek and it was never painful and I never bled whereas I have it now practically in my lower back, my side hurts when I sit down and the last three weeks till running out I end up having a period.
Tuesday 5th May 2020: Was working from home and was in the middle of a conference call and felt like I needed to be sick but for a while now (I would say months and months) I had to mute the conference call and turned around to the kitchen bin and was viciously sick, I have never and I mean NEVER been this bad and my face ended up with broken blood vessels all over my face, had a banging headache and just feel bad in myself. I filmed how my face looked but also how I feel most days with these headaches.
Wednesday 6th May 2020: My skin doesn't look that bad, I feel really icky but I still worked.
Monday 18th May 2020: during lockdown I have felt myself getting down, crying a lot and I think it’s because I’m frustrated, frustrated with the lockdown situation and frustrated with my family (they are the only ones I see) so today I actually went into work and I am feeling myself getting back to being me.
Wednesday 20th May 2020: I came home from work and saw my dad was a little down, I could feel myself getting emotional (sad) so went for a shower and just sobbed, I try and do all of my crying in the shower because I don’t like people seeing me cry and asking me questions. I hate seeing my parents upset.
Saturday 30th May 2020: I sat in the garden in just my black all in one swimming costume, I took the weekend off of work and thought I would see if I could catch a tan. My brother decided to make a comment, now bare in mind me and my little brother are the only over weight children of my parents (I’m not a child but I am my parents) so this brother who made the comment said I was disgusting, I should cover up, I’m making him feel sick. He then made these comments to another brother and my two sisters and they were all laughing and I just felt really bad, yes I’ve gained weight this month but I’ve worked hard to lose weight. It really did upset me.
Thursday 4th June 2020: more comments have been made about my weight and my appearance by my family. I want people to be honest with me, ‘yes, you do need to lose weight,’ ‘you’ve gained weight.’ But to be saying I make people feel sick and I’m disgusting is just heartbreaking and last night after dinner in which I had the same as everyone else, same portion too, I went to bed and just cried, they went on a walk and later on got a late night snack of Chinese chips. I eat less than this brother, I work 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday whereas during that time he sleep and watches television during lockdown. It’s getting to me because health reasons have caused this and they don’t seem to understand. I did open up to my mum over text whilst we are both at work.
Sunday 7th June 2020: I haven't drank any alcohol this week, I was going to do Monday to Thursday no alcohol and only drink Friday, Saturday and Sunday so I am pretty pleased I did this week, I didn't feel like I needed to drink.
Tuesday 9th June 2020: I have been suffering with nose bleeds daily for the past three weeks and once they have stopped I have a massive headache so I called the doctor and they read through my medical records and it says about the last trip to the neurologist she mentioned some medication so the GP made sure I had that medication which is Sumatriptan, 100mg tablet to take once a day as soon as possible after the first signs of a migraine. The GP said the nose bleeds are probably the pressure on my brain.
Friday 12th June 2020: Still struggling emotionally, I keep crying and it is really driving me insane.
Sunday 14th June 2020: Still not had a drop of alcohol and don't feel like I want a drink.
Sunday 21st June 2020: I have been sober for 21 days.
Friday 26th June 2020: I had a headache all day and part way through my working day I had a nose bleed then just as I was about to go to bed, I had another nose bleed.
Saturday 27th June 2020: How was I woken up this morning? I had a nose bleed. I would say I had three nose bleeds in the space of 24 hours.
Sunday 28th June 2020: Still not had any alcohol, I haven't felt like I am craving it although somebody at work the other day said they had a shandy, a proper beer and lemonade shandy and I really fancied one, plus it was a hot day.
Thursday 2nd July 2020: I had my first alcoholic beverage today and it was because my work turned 1 years old and we had a glass of Prosecco at work.
Monday 20th July 2020 (Depo Injection): I haven't had a period or any discharge since having my last injection, when I had this injection it did really hurt when injected but if it means no period then okay I am not bothered. I hate wearing these masks but that's what we have to do.
March - April:
I have stayed the same which is odd because I have been in self isolation or social distancing due to corona virus outbreak in the UK and due to my medication claiming they can cause weight gain I thought I would have put some weight on.
April - May:
I have really been eating a lot so honestly thought I would have gained a lot more weight especially as I haven't been exercising at all.
May - June:
I know what the reason for this weight gain and it's alcohol, I have been drinking most nights which for somebody who was completely sober a few months ago this doesn't help so I am during the month of June only drink on Friday nights to Sunday evening which will be a glass of alcohol a night.
June - July:
+ 3b
I really thought I would have lost weight this month with not drinking alcohol but I guess not. Really need to get my lazy ass working out.