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Alicia Maude

Me & My Health #7

My last Me & My Health blog post was back in August 2019 so thought I would just give you a little rewind to what has happened from then to now.

September 2019 - December 2019

Me and the family moved into a house in Harrogate and I registered with a doctors surgery and booked an appointment to see the practice partner to do a run through of what is wrong with me, within two days of that appointment I got a letter from the hospital with two appointments, one to see Cardiology and one to see Endocrinology. I also spoke to the doctor regards having the Depo-Prover injection and he approved it. I've had the injection and not had a period since. In December I suffered with an ear infection in both ears and chest infection which led to me having to take antibiotics.


Monday 6th January 2020 (Cardiology Appointment): my cardiology appointment went well, I had that and then moved into another room where they checked over my loop recorder, they are going to look into getting my results and have my recorder checked a little more frequently and also schedule to get it removed soon which was music to my ears.

Monday 6th January 2020 (Endocrinology Appointment): another good appointment although got to schedule for an MRI and also need an appointment with neurology because my headaches aren't getting any better and look at treatments.

Wednesday 8th January 2020 (Blood Test): did you know if you have a hospital letter regarding needing a blood test that you can go to the pharmacy in Sainsburys. YES! Sainsbury's the grocery store to get your blood tested so I went there and had a blood test, quickest and easiest thing ever.

Friday 24th January 2020: I have suffered with a headache for over two weeks now, I have been up early, barely sleeping and work has been actually SH*T, I have felt so stressed and emotional and I feel like it is due to me being exhausted through lack of sleep because a, I'm getting up early to go to work but b, I am struggling to sleep because of the headache. I lost it at work and just burst into tears, there is some unfairness going on at work right now and I am battling to get myself heard for my sake but also for those quiet people. It was frustrating having people text asking how I was when they weren't even around so there's have been messaging and talking about me but nobody at work knows what's going on with me, I have to thank Claire, a member of staff but also a friend who just listened to me and gave me some advice.

Monday 27th January 2020 (Depo Injection): I got the jab in the butt. I did mention to the nurse that I have been losing a bit of dark discharge and she said that will go, it is because my body is getting used to the deep injection.

Monday 3rd February 2020 (MRI): turned up to my appointment 10 minutes early, signed in and had my form all filled out and then it all stopped. I can't have the MRI because my loop recorder hasn't been monitored or something so if I was to have the MRI it would wipe the loop recorder and I won't have any readings so they cancelled the MRI and will reorganised it.

Friday 14th February 2020 (Cardiology Appointment): all the lady did was scan my loop recorder and tell me that I won't be able to have my recorder removed until this time 2021 which really annoyed me and I hate that idea. I was also told that I need to scan the big machine that they gave me when they put the implant in that is under my bed every so often however they think there maybe a technical glitch so if that is the case then I will have to go in every three months for them to do it there.

Wednesday 19th February 2020 (Neurologist Appointment): so I got a phone call yesterday about this appointment, they had a slot available for me so they asked if I wanted it so obviously I took it. The appointment went well, we discussed what is wrong with me, how I feel and the consultant is going to increase the dosage of my medication and wants to track that.

Wednesday 4th March 2020 (MRI): I had to go to Cardiology before my MRI to get my loop recorder checked and cleared, the MRI was okay, I had to have a cannual put into my arm so they could put dye into me.

Friday 20th March 2020: So I am writing this whilst working from home so I handed in my resignation after quite an emotional decision to leave, my health has taken a bit of a kicking, my emotions are all over the place and I think that is because I am not happy with work but also because my medication I am currently on has been dramatically changed. My neurologist has changed my dosage of Topiramate from 25 micrograms a day to 100 micrograms a day for two weeks with the thing that it will be going up to 150 micrograms a day, my body didn't like it at the beginning, I was sick and my body was shaking but it is okay now. The company I currently work for (whilst I work my months notice off) have sent us all home to work there because of the corona virus and I am going crazy, I hate being stuck inside. What I am struggling with the most is I am suffering with pains in my heels, they are like pins and needles in my heels and to look at they go bright red but in the UK, you can't see a doctor, well in Harrogate you can't so they is getting me down. I have got a bit of a cold and feel drained but I think it's because I am struggling to sleep, I think I need a new mattress, I am not a good sleeper.

Wednesday 25th March 2020: I should be in a happy mood, today is my blogs 2nd birthday and I have rebranded and bits but instead I am really emotional, I am just so stressed out, when I stress out I get the worst spots on the most random places like my shoulder and my hip and my elbow. I just seem to be crying a lot and just wanting to sleep a lot which I can't because I have to work which is difficult because I am working from home. Again that is also difficult because my little brothers and sister are off school so they are load but also my brother is back from Australia and obviously has no respect for the fact I have to work because he decides to play guitar and that just gets me down and I cry. I am writing a blog post about how the COVID-19 has effected me which is coming up soon but emotionally I am not in the right head space, my headaches are so much worse at the moment and I have made a huge life changing decision just before the whole country lockdown and don't know whether I have shot myself in the foot.


January - February:


I have been to the gym a couple of times this month but otherwise I feel like I haven't really done much regards losing it because I have not been in the right head space.

February - March:


I have barely done anything this month, I have been so lazy.



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