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Me & My Health #4

Alicia Maude

This is the first Me & My Health blog post for 2019. I know some people read my blog just for the beauty reviews and first impressions but I wanted to be as real as possible with people and if this is the first Me & My Health blog post you are reading of mine then 'hello', in this blog post I explain how I am feeling, if you want to get more information about then I suggest you read the previous blog posts because some of this might not make sense. Also somebody told me that the last Me & My Health blog post made them cry because of how down I was, I am completely honest, I don't verbally talk to people how I feel and I know that is bad but I feel ashamed to say that I am struggling which is wrong BUT by me writing it down I feel slightly better.

I read the last blog post and noticed the grammar is terrible but I have kept it the way it is because I want to be able to read back and if I get any treatment I want to see if it helps with my wording. My words and sentences aren't making any sense and it's not like me.

26th November 2018: I have a doctors appointment in a few days, I booked it two weeks ago so I could see my GP, the one who is dealing with all of my issues. I keep thinking about mentioning my emotions, do I want to discuss them because I know I will cry and I see that as a sign of weakness (I've been told that). The main reason for the appointment is because I want to know what happened on the conference call and if the NHS or Leicester/shire hospitals have given up on me because that is how I am feeling at the moment and I also want to talk about breast cancer and the Depo injection because the period I had last was horrible, the worst I have had for a while. A quick brief: I was informed I can't have another round of the Depo Provera injection because I am at high risk of breast cancer, the injection was the only thing that helped me out.

29th November 2018 (doctors appointment): I'm being referred to another hospital. I had a bit of a break down in front of my doctor, he was so apologetic because there was no information about the conference call - the local hospital, the local neurology ward have let me down so my GP is referring me to another hospital with neurology. I mentioned how I have been crying a lot as well as being really forgetful especially with things like names, people I work with who don't look a like I forget their names, he thinks it's related to the brain issue and because I am stressed.

3rd December 2018 (phone call): my GP recommended that I call PILS and make a complaint which he is also doing. I thought about it and thought it wasn’t worth it but then maybe I should complain, I don’t want this to happen to others. I rang PILS and the woman was shocked when I told my story and she said that she will send it on, I doubt anything will happen but she said I said have the following questions answered:

  1. Why was I discharged from neurology before the tests were done?

  2. Why wasn’t I informed about the cyst on the brain that is bleeding?

  3. Why wasn’t my GP informed about the cyst on the brain that is bleeding?

I hope they get answered but I doubt it. I got home from work to find a letter about booking an appointment at the hospital in Nottingham, that's quick.

5th December 2018: I got a letter from my doctors giving me a reference code and bits for me to book an appointment at Queen's Medical Hospital for my neurology appointment so I did that but there was no appointment and that if I don't hear back by Monday 17th December then I need to ring.

12th December 2018: I have got this horrible cough, it came on this afternoon, now apart from having a headache all day I feel fine, tired but that’s because I’m working 6/7 days a week, getting up early and getting home late. Otherwise I’m good but today I was cleaning the kitchen at work and sprayed the antibac on the counter tops and started choking on the fumes so went outside for some very cold fresh air, went back in and spray it again and was choking again. Since then I’ve had this painful cough, I’m going to see how it goes, maybe the fumes have just irritated my wind pipes. I must admit I don’t normally work at the site I was at today (not my usual) and one of the women there after I had almost choked to death and got the kitchen spotless told me that next time I should use the antibac she uses, other people choke on the one I have used - thanks for warning me. By the way I’m not a cleaner.

14th December 2018: Last night I had a bit of a melt down, I had been feeling tearful all day but managed to keep it in but when I was traveling back from work I rang Mum to discuss where I would meet her and Mum told me that my Dad who was working away had been hit by a car, it made me break down in tears no sooner I got to the car where my Mum was, my dad is okay, slightly sore but doing well. Not only did I feel sad but I was angry, I was angry with the world we live in, here is my Dad working and got hit by a car, my Dad hit the window and the guy gave my Dad some verbal abuse plus racist abuse towards my Dad and then drove off without even seeing if he was okay. My Dad is white English living and working in England. What annoys me the most is the fact that the race of the man seem to use the racist card a lot, a family friend was attacked once and the people who attacked him claimed he was being racist which this friend won't be because his son's family is that race. I know of a few other cases where people claim white people were racist with them and they weren't but that's their defence. I hope you understand where I am coming from, I don't want people to claim I am racist.

16th December 2018: When I tried to book an appointment at Queen's Medical Hospital it said I need to call so I thought I would check the website for a number and it says I have an appointment on 20th March.

31st December 2018: Woke up on the last day of the year with swollen puffy eyes, last night I had a little meltdown after my boss sent me a not so nice text message so I struggled to sleep.

20th January 2019: I am sitting and writing my weekly review that will be in next Me & My Health blog post and I realised that my memory is getting worse and it's weird because I have been taking my Levothyroxine tablets which I previously have missed. This months period was vile, I was really bloated but it was really heavy and really painful, I woke up one morning and got up started walking down stairs and felt the blood clot leave my body followed by a stream of blood going down my leg. Thankfully there is a bathroom near the stairs at home and I managed to clean myself up and bits but it was horrible and made me worry that it would be like this at work in which I can't be going toilet every hour to change my sanitary towels.

23rd January 2019 (letter from hospital): I got a letter from the department that me and my GP made a complaint to. I have to say that clearly they are covering up for the Neurologist. Apparently my consultant diagnosed me with migraines - false, my GP did and the consultant also diagnosed me with simple faints - false AGAIN! To my surprise it does say that the consultant was going to write a letter to me and my GP was with the MRI results but didn’t. It’s a joke because now they are going to look into it.

25th January 2019 (phone call from hospital): When I was walking into work I got a phone call from some woman from the hospital who was apologise with what has happened to me regards Neurology. She said she will get the consultant to write a letter explaining why I wasn't kept informed. I think I am over all of the apologise, I want more actions to prevent this happening to anybody else which they have stated they are putting new plans forward.

7th February 2019 (thyroid blood test): I went for my annual blood test, it went well and ended up leaving me with a very bruised arm.

21st February 2019: I have been nauseous all day and after a SH***Y day I just felt like crying but I got some good news and I cried happy tears. I got home to two letters, one from the thyroid register saying my thyroid level was steady so I am doing well. The other letter was from the Neurology department saying that they apologise for the delay in getting back to me with my results from the scan, they think the cyst is something I have had since birth and they will be doing another scan in a years time to see if there is any changes, they think it's a benign pituitary lesion called a Rathke's cleft cyst and that is it. I am so annoyed, I am being fobbed off again, I am going to get my GP to explain what it is but I am not happy about it. I did Google it. Rathke's cleft cyst is a rare type of cyst believed to originate from remnants of the Rathke pouch. The most common symptoms include:

  • Vision changes - applies to me

  • Frequent headaches - applies to me

  • Nausea - applies to me

  • Feelings of drowsiness or fatigue - applies to me

  • Changes in personality or behavior, including confusion - applies to me

Cysts can also press on the pituitary gland, which can affect the levels hormones secreted by this gland. This can cause symptoms at different stages of life:

  • Lack of growth or late puberty in children - doesn't apply to me

  • Irregular or absent menstruation - doesn't apply to me

  • Production and leaking of milk from the breasts that is not related to pregnancy or childbirth - doesn't apply to me

  • Low blood pressure - doesn't apply to me, I have steady blood pressure

  • Digestive issues, such as constipation - I either have constipation or diarreah when I am on my period

  • Low or no libido

  • Feelings of extreme thirst - always

  • Obesity - yes

  • Unusually dry skin - this applies to me

  • Difficulty regulating body temperature - yes

The treatment of Rathke cleft cysts depends on the symptoms. Small RCCs that do not cause any symptoms do not require treatment. Larger RCCs that are causing symptoms may require surgery, which could include draining and removal of the cyst.

Without treatment, Rathke cleft cysts can continue to cause problems with pituitary gland function and issues with weight, hormones, and vision. Proper diagnosis and treatment can relieve symptoms and restore healthy pituitary function.

22nd February 2019 (Meningitis Jab): let's rehash what happened the previous day, I had had a terrible day and decided I had had too many bad shifts and bad days at work that it wasn't worth it, minimum wage but maximum stress so I handed in my notice effective immediately. I was so sad and stressed but then something happened to cheer me up. Anyway back to the injection, it was sore but good, it's a preventative of Meningitis which can cause devastation.

1st April 2019: I decided to weigh myself and I did it at the beginning of March and then now and I have lost in 5 weeks 11lb, how the hell did that happen?

20th March 2019 (Neurology Appointment @ Queen's Medical Centre): I wasn't nervous for this appointment, my mum joined me so I had her to help me understand things, the doctor first of all didn't know why I was there but what he did tell me is that there are some medications he wants me to try and he also wants to do a specific MRI for the sort of cyst I have.

11th April 2019 (Endocrinology Appointment): The appointment went okay, he won't want me having treatment or testing for PCOS until I have trialed out the medication that Neurology have suggested. He was quite impressed with the weight loss I have achieved which if you didn't know I lost 11lb in 5 weeks, apparently from the last trip a year ago to Endocrinology I have lost 1st.

11th April 2019 (Doctors Appointment): I managed to get a doctors appointment with my usual GP but when I turned up he was rushed to an emergency. I spoke to the lovely GP who was taking care of my appointment and he has decided that out of the medications the Neurologist suggested I should try the lightest, the not as strong medications so I am now on Propranolol (40mg), I have to take one tablet a day for two weeks and after two weeks if the medication hasn't improved the headaches then I need to take one tablet three times a day and after a total of 6 weeks I need to discuss it with my GP either over the phone or in person.

26th April 2019 (2 Weeks Of Propranolol): I don't feel like this has made any difference to my headaches.

3rd May 2019 (MRI): I had an evening MRI so I didn't have to wait around. The radiologist was really good looking and make me feel really comfortable, he gave me the headphones and put the radio on for me so I didn't get bored during this occasion. MRI went well.

21st May 2019 (GP Phone Call Appointment): I had a GP telephone appointment, we discussed the medication and decided to set a date for me to come in and go through the next steps for me.

24th May 2019 (6 Weeks Of Propranolol): This medication hasn't worked at all.

18th June 2019 (GP Appointment): I went to discuss my everything with my GP, I've had my Propranolol increased, we discussed me going back on the depo injection, well I asked if I could go back onto it and he said no, I can't go on any contraception except the non hormonal coil which I really don't want.

25th June 2019: Today I really suffered with heavy period but also the most painful period I have had EVER, every time I lost a clot I felt really bad stomach pains causing me to be doubled up in the fetal position on works bathroom floor, I felt so sick and was panicking and sweating. I really struggled.

29th June 2019: I haven't taken pain killer since I had my appendix removed so today was the first day in years that I caved, I have had a really bad headache and Mum could tell I was not myself so gave me two ibuprofen, did they work? NO! I still had the headache.

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