If you are new to my blog then you really should read all the other Me & My Health blog posts but here is a bit of a briefing, I have quite a few health conditions and started writing this sort of blog post to educate others and myself, I struggle emotionally too and this blog post is kind of a diary as well. I also broadcast how much I weight, give myself a target for the following month and see how I go.
Sunday 2nd January 2022: Yes my doctors/GP does an appointment on Sunday's, it was a telephone call and it was to discuss how I am having a period even though I am on the depo provera, I need to go for a smear and see whether or not there is something going on.
Tuesday 11th January 2022: Today was my smear test, I want people to know when reading this that it is important to go for your smear, it is slightly uncomfortable but not painful. I bled slightly afterwards.
Monday 17th January 2022: I had a doctors appointment today, to discuss having a period whilst on the depo injection, the doctor asked me to have a blood test urgently so went straight to the nurse to get my blood drawn then after that had my depo injection. The reason my GP asked me to get a blood test is because she wants to look into PCOS.
Wednesday 26th January 2022: I had a panic attack, I've not had a panic attack in a while, it all started when some of the family members started having an argument, I wasn't even involved but I managed to hide in my room and had a panic attack. I try and go away from people when I have these because I know people will think I am being pathetic which then makes me worse.
My Weight
Weight (1st January 2022): 14st 5lbs
Weight (1st February 2022): 14st 5lbs
January's Plan
Didn't lose any weight but didn't gain any so that is a bonus.
My Plan For Next Month
I plan to go for a half an hour walk during my lunch break Monday to Friday and the gym every Saturday and Sunday for at least an hour a session. I hope to lose at least 5lbs.