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  • Alicia Maude

Married At First Sight Australia 2024 (episodes 1 - 4)

I haven't watched season 2023 but I did the year before.

Episode 1

First episode starts off with the bucks and hens night.

We start of with the most mature (old) groom Richard, he seems really nice. Followed by Tim and Tristan.

Spins around to the hens with the first bride Natalie who is very nervous. Tori follows who is more chatty. Natalie is a nerd, her type is a nerd.

Back to the guys and we have Jayden walk in, he is a kickboxer, sees tough on the outside but a softie on the inside.

Hippie dippie, typical Byron Bay Lucinda turns up in a not very hippie dippie outfit. She has a full on scroll of what she wants from a guy. Of course Lucinda and Natalie get on. Ellie walks in followed by Ellie and Cassandra.

Everybody starts turning up. I feel like Lauren is going to be a handful. A guy turns up to the hens, a gay guy and he seems lovely, I hope he finds love. I think a few of the brides fancied a bit of Michael.

In walk the experts, I don’t know how they can call themselves experts because I have seen this show before and I don’t know why they match people with certain people.

Sara & Tim

Sara seems like hard work in her introduction. Tim seems lovely, he is sweet, has an adopted Ethiopian sister. One thing Tim will like about Sara is she is from a Columbian family, he loves Columbia.

Tim’s best man is seems charming (not), he goes to help Tim get ready for the wedding. The wedding is on a boat and the best man comes up and Sara’s friends were not impressed. The groom comes down and I think they are impressed by him.

Sara is very impressed with Tim, he is everything on her list and even more, he speaks Spanish and she melts. The kiss wasn’t very romantic, it was awkward but it would be.

When it is photo time they seem a little more romantic and not so awkward with all of the making out.

They both are foodies but in a weird way. Sara says he is physically his type and feels she needs to get to know him. He explains his last relationship, how his ex cheated on him and mentions he was going to propose to her and his relationship ended six months ago. Sara is worried he might not be over his ex.

Sara speaks to her friends about this situation, I think she is worried this isn’t going to work out. Speak time and first is the best man and he is vile, the speech was disgusting and I felt like cringing and Sara’s guests weren’t impressed and I think even Tim’s family started getting annoyed by it. He makes a comment about Tim will eat Sara out even if she is rancid of not.

Sara seems disappointed and I think Tim is worried.

Honeymoon in Fiji, in a lovely retreat. Tim planned a romantic dinner, I think he wanted to reassure her and get back on track. The dinner goes well, they are laughing and having fun. I feel like Tim is holding back on conversations and then the dinner goes south and she walks off crying. I honestly can't understand what has gone on.

Cassandra & Tristan

Cassandra seems like such a happy person, her first love was childhood love and sadly he was killed in a motorbike accident, this is so sad, she was with him for 8 years. Tristan doesn’t seem to have any confidence in himself and I think he uses laughter to get through it.

Cassandra’s dad is so sweet, he walks her down the aisle. More sad news, Cassandra lost her mum to cancer in 2020. I feel Cassandra needs happiness in her life.

Tristan is nervous and rambles and makes everybody laugh with his nervousness. When Tristan turns around to see his bride he seems to calm down and Cassandra is beaming.

Tristan’s speech makes everybody melt especially Cassandra’s family and friends. Everybody seems so happy.

At the meal afterwards Tristan went and formally introduced himself to Cassandra’s father and I think this has made Cassandra fall in love with him.

Her father starts doing his speech and makes people laugh, I feel like Tristan and Moddy (her father) are going to be besties. He says that his daughter is in good hands and then says ‘Tristan if she causes you any trouble, please don’t come to me’, making everybody laugh, I feel like the families have bonded.

Morning after the wedding is Cassandra’s 30th and Tristan has got her flowers and TimTam’s.

Episode 2

Cassandra & Tristan

Starting it off with a helicopter ride cuddled up together.

Sara & Tim

They spent the morning apart. He wants to try and fix things. Tim apologises and Sara takes some fault in it and they make up.

Lucinda & Timothy

Timothy seems really nice, his ex found somebody better than him. His dad passed away six weeks before this wedding which has been tough on him. His brother has died too so he has no family left (his words). Lucinda is very honest but very hippy dippy. She wanted children but has never had the chance to.

Before the wedding Timothy mentioned he doesn’t want somebody who meditated, it drives him nuts and she does this. Lucy is what her parents call her and she gets out and they are amazed by her. Lucinda likes his bum and when Timothy turns around he say ‘Holy shit’ I bet he’s think she’s a bit interesting (weirdo). She is more interested in him whereas he isn’t.

Timothy thinks she looks great but then when Lucinda does her spiritual thing he isn’t interested. The storm comes in, I feel the spiritual person has bought the storm. Everyone runs off.

Lucinda is loving it with all the elemental energy. The sun comes back out and they get married.

Timothy felt the photoshoot awkward. Everything he says is the complete opposite to Lucinda. I don’t know why but I feel like there could be a heated argument when they live together.

Timothy is introduced to the hippy ceremony lady and he just looks awkward. During his speech he mentions about his family, his mum passed away 17 years ago along with his little brother then his dad 6 weeks ago. I think with all the hurt he has had in his life he struggles to let people in.

They woke up in the same bed, she is cuddled up to him.

Jack & Tori

Jack is very Alfa, very sexually active and very dominant. Tori is very strong, working in a very male dominated industry she might be a challenge for Jack. I feel like they will clash. I feel like these two are the same person.

Jack’s parents come and check up on him before the wedding. Jack’s outfit is very tight. The families meet and they seem to be having a good time. I think Tori’s mum fancies Jack, she starts flirting with him.

When Jack turns around and sees his bride I can’t tell and some with Tori. As he does his speech she falls for everything he says, they are the same person really. There kiss was more than the others have had.

I think Jack feels intimidated by her personality. Jack bought his female clients to the wedding. Does he not have friends? Tori’s friend is a bit worried and I would be too.

Next morning Jack and Tori woke up cuddling up, they apparently spoke all night.

They go swimming and seem quite connected. Tori feels sexually connected but Jack doesn’t.

Episode 3

Tori & Jack

The place where they are staying for their honeymoon looks amazing, beautiful.

Sara & Tim

These two seem in a better space.

Cassandra & Tristan

They are on a not so hot romantic honeymoon but they are seeing cute animals.

Lucinda & Timothy

Timothy has had his toe nails painted.

Michael & Simon

The expert John has done a house call to Michael’s house. Sadly Simon has pulled out of the experiment. I feel so sorry for Michael, all he wants is love. The experts are trying to find his fairytale.

Natalie & Collins

Natalie is very different, she is very nerdy, does cosplay. Natalie’s dad passed away six weeks ago, yet another contestant who’s lost their parent so soon. Collins seems very excitable. He has never been in a relationship or been further than a first date.

Natalie is getting ready, she is irritating me. Collins is irritating me with the door. Can Natalie walk, she keeps dripping. She is carried a large portion of the way. She even trips down the aisle.

I have lost the respect for both of them, they are Taylor Swift fans.

These two are so geeky and it gets stronger they are together but I think Collins slight scared of her, she is a bit full on. She got two necklaces that have half a controller and they connect together, dork.

Natalie and Collins slept in separate bedrooms. He speaks to her and let’s her know how he is feeling.

Jayden & Eden

Jayden is brother’s with Mitch from the season I did the blog post on. Eden moved away from her family with her dog, her last relationship cheated on her with her best friend.

Eden has been through a lot and whilst talking to her good friend and makeup artist she gets emotional. I hope Jayden is not like his brother and treat her poorly.

I feel so sorry for him, he doesn’t feel she likes him. She does though. They go out and sit on a swing to talk and she lets him know she likes him. They have their first dance and they are just cute. Mitch gets emotional, speak about Ella who he did the experiment with (by the way I love Ella and Dom’s podcast).

They woke up snugging. There was no romance but they did cuddle before they went to bed.

Episode 4

Honeymoons are going really well for most of the couples. Although I think Natalie is irritating Collins.

Tori & Jack

Jack isn’t into Tori. The honeymoon box arrives and I feel like Jack is a big dickhead, although he was very honest but I feel like he could have done it softer and not so brutal.

Natalie & Collins

They have a pillow wall in their bed to protect them from each other.

Lucinda & Timothy

They did a life drawing session, I think Timothy thinks this is a joke when a woman comes in and gets her clothes off. You could tell he was uncomfortable.

The honeymoon box arrives and I think Timothy has his work cut out with sexually adventurous Lucinda. She feels sexual towards him whereas he doesn’t. She appreciates his honesty but was deflated by it. He feels bad that she got paired up with him, he doesn’t think he is good enough and believes she can do better. He starts showing his emotions and I think Lucinda appreciates him opening up but he is trying to be too manly.

Ellie & Ben

They have both been through a rough time but I hope these two work.

When Ellie walked down the aisle and Ben turned around I could tell he liked her. She was very giggly.

Ellie is very smitten but her cousin isn’t very happy with it. I don’t think Ben appreciates the cousin.

The cousin takes Ben out and starts asking questions. The cousin thinks Ben is here to promote his business and podcast and get famous.

The cousin gets Ellie out to warn her which puts doubts into Ellie’s head.

During Ben’s speech he explains why he is here? Ellie liked the speech but you could tell the cousin wasn’t impressed. The cousin is such an ass hole.

They go off on their honeymoon.

Jayden & Eden

These two are on their honeymoon and are really cute. Eden explains how she feels and her past.


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