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Married At First Sight Australia 2024 (episode 29 - 32)

Alicia Maude

Episode 29

Commitment ceremony before the ceremony it’s a look into the couples after the dinner party. Tori is still protecting Jack who is an absolute d*ckhead. Eden shared with Jayden that Sara and her ex was mocking Tim behind his back, Jayden wants to let everybody know at the commitment ceremony but Eden doesn’t want him to do this and is threatening to leave him if he does. Now onto the commitment ceremony:

Sara & Tim

First couple on the sofa. Tim started speaking first, he has seen a different side to Sara, I feel like this is to make herself look good.

When Sara talks she lets everybody know that this whole situation has got them closer. She apologises to Tim which seems sincere but I think it is to stay face.

Jayden goes to speak but keeps it in but makes little noises but then lets them know that they see the act and how she is constantly putting Tim down and making fun of him. Jayden does mention that Eden mentioned it.

Back to Sara and Tim, they both wrote to stay.

Lucinda & Timothy

These two look happy together. Timothy said it felt right kissing Lucinda last night. He explains how he has been feeling, he realised he has wasted his years getting emotional and keeping everything in. He believes Lucinda helps him and thanks her for it. She loves him and his tender heart. He feels really good.

Both of them wrote to stay.

Lauren & Jonathan aka Jono

Jonathan had to go onto the sofa by himself because Lauren was in hospital. He is missing her big energy and he lets everybody know that they are constantly in contact with each other.

Jonathan wrote stay.

Cassandra & Tristan

Tristan distanced himself from Cass because of the week prior. They have both discussed together that they are just friends and only can be friends.

They both wrote to leave. They both seem happy and you can tell they will still be friends.

Jayden & Eden

Feedback week was okay for them. This week has been tough for Jayden because he is getting the brunt of Eden who is getting stressed out with the whole Sara and ex-boyfriend thing. She told him he couldn’t say anything and if he does she is leaving him.

When she explains she wasn’t going to leave him, she would leave the experiment.

Eden is struggling at lot with pressures and her emotions and Jayden is struggling with this. Jayden got really emotional because he has been trying and she has been a bit of a b*tch and she has apologised for that b*tch moment.

She gets emotional because she doesn’t want him to feel like he is not good enough. Even Tori is crying.

Both write stay.

Jade & Ridge

Ridge said it is getting serious, he has spent time with Jade’s daughter. Jade said he is fitting into her life, Ridge made her daughter a packed lunch and did what Jade normally does and that is write a little note to the daughter.

Of course both of them wrote stay.

Jack & Tori

I just can’t stand Jack. John the expert is only interested in Jack and Tori’s relationship, he has become bored with them two, asking Jack how he feels about Tori because he is not buying it. Jack asks what he isn’t buying, he is developing serious feelings for Tori, he feels like she makes him feel good. He’s sleeping really well.

John isn’t believing him. Jack is struggling to say how he feels. John gets Jade involve because she was with Jack during feedback week.

John is asking Tori how she feels about the feedback Jade got, she said fair enough.

John asks Tori is she being for real? Everybody is thinking this, Tori doesn’t agree with the things he does but she does feel strongly towards him.

They are sexually intimate but they haven’t had sex, what I think is she has probably pleasured him and that would be that.

Tori believes outside of the experiment Jack will fit into her world and she would fit into his, I don’t believe it.

They are both staying.

Andrea & Richard

Andrea is feeling devastated, frustrating week with Richard not listening to her. They are constantly butting heads.

Richard feels broken.

Both have agreed to leave.

Episode 30

This week is home stays week.

Jayden & Eden

Eden has gone missing when everybody is getting prepared to go on their home stays. Jayden heads to the airport but can’t get in touch with Eden.

Eden missed her flight and when she got the next flight he obviously made a few comments but she needed time apart to think about how she felt.

Eden seems a lot happy now she is with her dog, the couple take the dog for a walk along the beach, they want to clear the air. Jayden feels like she is trying to brush things under the carpet but he wants to talk things out.

They go over to his family’s house for BBQ and Eden’s father has popped by too. Mitch who was on it previously who is Jayden’s brother asks some questions because he can see something isn’t right.

Jayden and Mitch go for a chat away from the group, Jayden wants them to be strong.

Lauren & Jonathan

Jonathan heads to Perth to go see Lauren who was already there because of an operation.

Lauren has really missed Jonathan and is excited for him to be back.

Lauren introduces Jonathan to her teddy bear which is so funny.

Lauren takes Jonathan to go meet Lauren’s best friend Mackenzie, Jonathan is nervous because he has heard that she is like Lauren but more full on. Lauren talks about Jonathan how he is a really good person.Jonathan goes toilet and Lauren asks her friend if she thinks he is enough, Mackenzie has given her seal of approval, she really likes him.

They had sex that night, they are having fun and being more of a couple than friends.

Jonathan does some cooking because he knows she is a foodie, she likes the idea of somebody cooking for her.

Lucinda & Timothy

When Lucinda walks into Timothy’s very messy and chaotic flat it is a bit of shock. He has an industrial photocopier in his living room.

I wish I was more like Lucinda, she is so positive.

They go to meet his friends and I think the friends really like her, they see the positive in her. His friends want him to open up more, he doesn’t like that.

Rachel (Timothy’s friend) and Timothy left leaving Lucinda with the other friend and the friend was saying Timothy loves to take care of previous partners, be the nurture, providing and protecting and Lucinda hasn’t seen this side to him yet.

Timothy has distance himself again, he has gone in on himself and feels flat, he goes for a walk.

Later on Lucinda is still on her own in Timothy’s apartment whilst he is out with a friend. She keeps thinking about what the other friend said to her where Timothy wants to be the doter, the carer but she isn’t seeing that side to him, the only affection she is getting is from Timothy’s dogs.

Lucinda organises a private picnic the next day, she explains how she felt hurt. He isn’t into this emotional journey, he didn’t expect it, sorry mate but have you not watched it before or read up before you joined.

He loses his shit and ends up shouting at her when he walks off. Lucinda is fed up with him now, she wants more.

Episode 31

Continuing with the home stay week.

Jade & Ridge

Ridge is moving into Jade’s family home. She lives with her parents and her brother. She seems uncomfortable with him being around her family, he says some stupid things.

The family are having a traditional South African wedding, Ridge keeps saying ‘DECC’, her step father doesn’t seem impressed by Ridge.

Ridge said he will be the one to move near Jade because of Jade’s daughter.

Jade talks to her mum and sister and she gets emotional because her parents have had to pick her up in such a state.

Ridge has arranged a private night away for him and Jade, he is trying, comes out in speedos and an apron. He gets dressed and serves the food.

She doesn’t feel he is ready to settle down and gets emotional because she really likes him.

Sara & Tim

Tim is moving into Sara’s apartment. Tim still doesn’t trust or forgive Sara and they need to grow on this and mend broken parts.

They are meeting up with Tim’s best friend Ben and Sara’s best friend, they are saying it is smooth sailing and then they mention a storm coming along. Sara is honest and tells them that she lied and went out with friends and her ex which clearly Ben doesn’t like. She puts a holt to the full conversation about her ex. Ben interrupts her which annoys her so much but I think it is funny because she is exactly like that.

She cooks him dinner.

They go on a boat day and Tim is quite quiet and when he speaks to her and she isn’t appreciating what he says, you can tell she is getting angry. She says he is throwing her under the bus, sorry babe but you are the one who cheated on him and why do you always play the victim. She starts crying and he is there for her.

Jack & Tori

Tori is moving into Jack’s apartment. He won’t move to Melbourne so it means Tori will have to move to the Gold Coast for him. When she asks him about moving there he wasn’t really giving the answers I expected or even she expected. He eats six cans of tuna a day.

He takes her to his work, 5am workout session with a client of his.

Jack takes Tori out for lunch with his favourite clients, Jasmin and Lizz, both of them attractive women. He explains his feelings are getting stronger and tells his clients he hasn’t had sex with her yet.

It doesn’t bother Tori that Jack has a lot of girl friends and the friend doesn’t like the idea that Tori has a lot of guy friends. Lizz is not a fan of Tori. Lizz called Tori basic.

Tori doesn’t like the fact that Jack didn’t stick up for her.

Jack takes Tori to a fine dining meal, she asks if she fits in his world, Tori needs plans, she doesn’t feel moving she will get 100% from him. She is questioning long distance, he won’t be moving to hers. He doesn’t want to do the getting a flight Friday to go over and go back on Sunday to be ready to work on Monday.

He organised for dessert, a black rose and a gift to be bought, a bracelet, now I have read that the bracelet is from SHEIN or somewhere like that.

Episode 32

Getting ready for the dinner party.

Sara & Tim

Sara has been nice to Tim. He has seen a completely different side to Sara and wants this to continue.

Lauren & Jonathan

Lauren is excited for the dinner party, she missed last week because she was in hospital. She really likes Jonathan, they were intimate and have reconnected. Everybody messaged to see how Lauren was except Tori.

Jack & Tori

These two have has sex finally.

Jade & Ridge

Homestays was an opportunity to show he has grown up and is in it for the long run.

Lucinda & Timothy

Lucinda returned to Sky Suites alone. She has checked in on him but heard nothing from him.

Jayden & Eden

These two have been having a disagreement, she can’t handle the experiment, the dinner parties give her anxiety. She doesn’t like talking about problems because she can’t deal with conflict.

Drinks reception and in walks Jonathan and Lauren being smiley and happy. Followed by Sara and Tim, Sara is Velcro onto Tim it looks like. Jade and Ridge walk in, they look sad but still connected. Lucinda walks in on her own, you can see the sadness in her eyes. She makes me laugh when she speaks of Timothy’s place being sticky. Jade tells the group that Jack text Ridge saying he had had sex with Tori. In walk Tori and Jack, Tori felt awkward walking in. When they talk about the sex it sounded scripted. In walks Timothy and straight there is Lucinda to greet him. I love Lucinda.

Lucinda if you ever read this can we sit and have a coffee, a matcha, a glass of wine and a long conversation, I need to be more like Lucinda.

Timothy was being polite to Lucinda. Lauren and Sara go over to see Timothy. Eden and Jayden went to the dinner party, she is really struggling but Jayden is there for her. Before she walks in she has a bit of a panic and he tries to reassure her. They walk in and it looks like she is going to burst into tears.

Dinner party has been served. Lauren starts talking about homestay asking questions on how it went. Lucinda starts talking and Timothy talks about how bad he was during the homestay, he takes her to the side for a chat and he apologises for the homestay.

Tim is asked if he has forgiven Sara, and says he is pretty much there.

Ridge and Jade talk about their homestay, explains her parents are worried about him, he starts talking about the weird language and conversations he has with his friends and the table don’t like it.

Lucinda asked if Lauren and Jonathan are making love, she does make me laugh.

Tori talks about their stay. Jack said he has a room for her, what? Is she becoming a flat mate? Tori says she will be the one to be moving not him. Everybody is getting bored with the crap coming out of Tori’s mouth. Lauren doesn’t believe in Jack’s bullsh*t answer. Timothy asks if they are lying about the sleep together. Lauren is questioning their relationship. Tori starts shouting at the group and tells them all that there is nobody she would spend time with after the experiment. Lauren is hurt by this.

Eden is feeling uncomfortable with all of the big personalities and the arguments. When they are asked how their time was Eden started panicking so Jayden asked if she wanted to leave so they did. Jayden is being so supportive towards her and I don’t think Eden sees it. She can’t do the experiment anymore.


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