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  • Alicia Maude

Married At First Sight Australia 2024 (episode 25 - 28)

Coming closer to the end of the experiment.

Episode 25

Everybody is talking about Sara cheating on Tim.

Jade & Ridge

These two are in a good area, Jade trusts Ridge enough to introduce her daughter to him.

Lucinda & Timothy

These two are on a high, Timothy has melted slightly. Lucinda feels a soul love with Timothy and she believes he is so brave.

Sara & Tim

They spent the night apart. Tim is drained which you would after hearing that your partner has cheated on you when you partner knows you have been cheated on in the past. She hasn’t contacted him to check up on him.

Sara goes and visits Tim looking all rough and worn in. She is taking full ownership for it but who else would be owner of it.

She is upset she has got caught and looks like the bad person. She walks out because she doesn’t like what Tim is saying. Coward.

Jack & Tori

Has Tori woken up to Jack’s games? Last night she has 50% tolerance to him and now she is seeing what we are seeing.

Cassandra & Tristan

Tristan sees the support Cassandra has to him and Tristan has told her he is falling in love for her. She doesn’t love him.

Commitment ceremony time.

Lucinda & Timothy

Timothy explains he had a bit of a breakdown because of a card game triggering him with his sad life. He has no family and feels lonely but having Lucinda by his side was a big thing for him.

He was getting emotional and it got Tori emotional which is a shock because she doesn’t like him.

They had a melting hug which Tristan liked to let the group know.

Timothy said they get on like a house on fire.

They both decided to stay.

Jayden & Eden

Eden explains they have had a rough week and it’s all due to the Sara scandal.

Jayden and Eden’s morales align. The decision on telling Tim about the situation is different for Jayden and Eden, Jayden wanted to tell him right then and Eden wanted to wait. She thought the whole group would think she was untrustworthy but you can tell the group didn’t think that.

These two are staying.

Cassandra & Tristan

Tristan looks happy and Cassandra looks drained. Tristan explains that he had a tough week but he is falling in love with her.

Lucinda and Timothy have massive smiles on their face. He really is falling in love and this is the first time and he was nervous.

Cassandra is noticeably looking uncomfortable because she is not at that stage in the relationship, this hits him hard especially as she isn’t sure they will get to that stage.

Their versions of love is different so he wrote stay and she wrote leave. This shatters him and he tries to be his usual kind self.

Andrea & Richard

Richard got sick during the retreat. He feels like Andrea doesn’t like him as much. They haven’t kissed or been intimate for a while and this is making Richard question their relationship.

The disconnect in these two is horrible, they were such a cute couple. Both chose to stay so hopefully they can reconnect.

Lauren & Jonathan

These two at the retreat got a lot closer and it was the conversations they were having and had conversations about the future.

Both decided to stay.

Jade & Ridge

These two are so loved up and cute together. They went to the zoo with Jade’s daughter and he was really good with the child.

Both decided to stay.

Michael & Stephen

Last sofa session Stephen was going to step up but the hairdresser incident gets bought up. Stephen doesn’t see a spark with Michael.

Stephen wrote leave and so did Michael.

Jack & Tori

These two are not close like normally. Tori is p*ssed with Jack, he is off putting with the whale comment. When she got home she realised Jack’s behaviour is terrible.

Everything is adding up and he is a vile man. He says he has to clean his act up but I think this is just for screen time.

She was asked if she trusts him and she is questioning it.

He wrote stay and so did she.

Sara & Tim

Sarah explains in a very subtle way what went on. Going round in circles with her lies. She starts getting snappy with the group. She is so rude.

Tim doesn’t think Sara likes him or values him. His self esteem is sinking more and more.

The expert calls out Sara for not saying sorry, not being there for him.

He explains that it hurt the fact she left him, didn’t check up on him.

Jayden starts speaking and Sara butts in. She doesn’t like the group getting involved and when Tim speaks she tells him to stop so she can speak.

She hates everybody getting involved but they all have valid things to say.

Tim wrote leave and obviously she wrote stay because she wants to fix what people think about her so she can get all the brand deals after the show. She apologises and gives him this hug which is just awkward.

Episode 26

Feedback week so it is when other couples create tasks and questionnaires for other groups.

Morning after the commitment ceremony.

Jayden & Eden

These two are strong especially as their values align.

Lucinda & Timothy

These two seem closer and I think Timothy has bought his walls down.

Cassandra & Tristan

Cassandra wrote leave which has obviously hurt Tristan. They are at different points in their life.

Jack & Tori

Everybody dislikes Jack so much. Even Tori is figuring out the bullsh*t.

Sara & Tim

Sara spent the morning out so Tim can collect his thoughts. He writes three pages of how he feels which Sara seems shocked by how much he wrote. He tells her how he feels and when she starts speaking he shuts her up because he wants to talk. She doesn’t seem impressed. She gives him a hug because that’s what he needs, physical touch.

Envelope time, the tasks have arrived.

Jack & Tori and Lauren & Jonathan

Lauren and Jonathan have to write five questions to ask Tori and Jack. I think Lauren loves this task, she really doesn’t like Jack.

Jack doesn’t care for Lauren, calling her a nasty person.

Lauren and Jonathan turn up to Jack and Tori’s apartment.

Question 1 is pretty much asking why Jack hasn’t had sex with Tori yet, he waffles on with some sh*t.

Another question which is to Tori is whether Jack will be a good role model for their future kids. He goes on.

When will they have kids and again Jack says what he is supposed to be it’s just lies. He wants kids in 2 years, Tori is shocked by the 2 years but is excited by it.

Lucinda & Timothy and Andrea & Richard

Andrea and Richard have to write a letter to Lucinda and Timothy and give them a task to give some positive feedback for the other couple.

Their task is to share a bed for one night. They cuddle up to each other which Timothy isn’t normally into.

They spent the night together and Timothy slept really well, he found it quite pleasant. He got rid of his man cave

Sara & Tim and Jayden & Eden

Eden and Jayden have to write five questions for Sara and Tim. Sara and Tim also have to write questions for Jayden and Eden.

Eden and Jayden turn up to Sara and Tim’s apartment  Sara gets so defensive during this whole task. Sara has deleted the messages from her ex.

Once Jayden and Eden leave Sara has a melt down and Tim tries to go see her but she tells him to leave her alone and then leaves but with the cameras following she kicks off.

Episode 27

Feedback week continues.

Lauren & Jonathan

She has to leave temporarily because of a medical emergency, she has a blood clot and the surgeon wants to operate on her so she will be away for a week.

Cassandra & Tristan and Jade & Ridge

Cassandra and Tristan has to write a letter to Jade and Ridge. They have got Ridge turning into a house butler. He cleans the bathroom, cooks her dinner.

Sara & Tim

She has anxiety, doesn’t feel she is herself there. She is feeling sorry for herself which is annoying. Tim is feeling for her and I just want to shake him and tell him to leave her, she has been vile to him.

Lucinda & Timothy and Andrea & Richard

Lucinda and Timothy’s relationship is blossoming, they are sharing a bed together, these two decided to do their own task for Andrea and Richard. Andrea wants to try and get through this. Their task is to re-share their vows and first dance. They get their wedding outfits on and head out to a grassy area and when Richard starts doing his vows the two of them smile and laugh. They sit and have a glass of champagne.

Now it is time to sit with each other individually and discuss relationships.

Tori and Jayden

These two meet at a coffee shop. Jayden isn’t buying Tori and Jack’s relationship, Jayden asks if she thinks they will last a long time.

Tori is getting pissed off with Jayden. Tori is here for a genuine relationship unlike her husband.

Jade and Jack

Jack keeps looking at Jade with sex eyes, he clearly likes her.

He has dated women like her.

He said that she is in the top three of good looking couples but you can tell he wasn’t thinking couples and was thinking her.

She asks if they have had sex and they haven’t.

She pushes him and he is just being playful.

Jade & Ridge and Lucinda & Timothy

These two couples have to ask questions to each other couples.

Jade and Ridge go over to Lucinda and Timothy’s, Timothy asks Ridge what sort of role model he will have on Jade’s daughter. Jade asks do they see themselves having a relationship outside of the experiment and Timothy said yes, they are further along than they think. Jack has apparently said that Lucinda and Timothy have clocked out.

Sara & Tim

These two go down to the harbour for a picnic and a good conversation.

They wake up together cuddled up after the picnic, Tim what are you doing.

Andrea and Ridge

These two meet up for coffee. Andrea said they are good, Ridge was asking questions but not really letting Andrea talk but some of the kind things he said was sweet but let the poor woman talk.


Jonathan is missing Lauren.

Andrea & Richard

Andrea has come back from her conversation with Ridge, she said Ridge said she wears the trousers in the relationship. They discuss how Richard talks about their sexual relationship in front of people, this is annoying Richard and accusing Andrea of lying.

Andrea starts getting upset and you can see Richard isn’t listening properly to Andrea.

Jayden & Eden

Eden setup a cute little KFC picnic date in the grassy area.

Lucinda & Timothy

Jack is a snake according to Timothy and I agree.

Jack & Tori

Tori is happy this week is coming to an end. They are feud with the feedback.

Lucinda & Timothy and Jack & Tori

Lucinda and Timothy decide to write a feedback letter to Jack & Tori, a letter from the bullsh*t investigators. Lucinda feels mean and Timothy doesn’t, this is getting them close together.

Like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible these two go and post the letter which is nice because they are connecting on this.

Tori reads the letter out, both of them get p*ssed off with the letter. In the letter it says for them to invite the girl from the article to discuss everything.

They don’t think it is Lucinda and Timothy who wrote the letter which makes me laugh but I know it is playing on Tori and Jack, who wrote it?

Episode 28

Jayden & Eden

These two are getting really stronger day by day.

Jade & Ridge

Another strong couple, Jade is like a giggling school girl around Ridge.

Lauren & Jonathan

Lauren is still in the hospital and Jonathan is missing her.

Sara & Tim

She is scared about going to the dinner party because she will be questioned by the others regarding her cheating on Tim.

Lucinda & Timothy

Lucinda is feeling like it is spring so she dresses spring like. They are trying to figure out their story regarding the bullsh*t letter. These two are all laughing and happy.

Jack & Tori

Tori says she is ready for a battle. Both p*ssed off with the letter.

Andrea & Richard

Running late to the dinner party because they are having an argument. They are both snappy and getting at each other. Andrea reads out some valid reasons but Richard doesn’t like it and gets angry in the tone of his voice. She stays calm until he claims she is gaslighting him. He walks out, I think Richard is quite rude which is surprising.

Dinner party time so starts with the cocktail/drinks time and in walks Jade and Ridge who are energetic and dancing followed by Eden and Jayden who are hand in hand. They start talking about the letter and Ridge claims it is Timothy and Lucinda.

Lucinda and Timothy walk in holding hands and looking happy, so cute. The other couples can see how close they have gotten and how real they are. Jonathan walks in on his own and the group are there to support him but they know it is because of the surgery. Everybody asks Lucinda and Timothy about the letter and they come clean but asked for the group to not talk about it.

In walks Jack and Tori hand in hand looking miserable, nobody gets up to see them or hug them for a bit. Lauren is missing out on this and she would love this. Cassandra and Tristan walk in, not hand in hand but both happy looking.

Richard was in on his own and people are shocked, he looks sad. Jade is blaming Ridge for this so he pulls Richard to the side and hopes it’s not him that caused this.

Andrea walks in looking deflated.

Final couple to walk in is Sara and Tim with Sara’s arm in Tim’s. She has this smug smile on her face as if she has won. Sara goes and gets a drink with Lucinda and she smiles but I think it is wrong for her to be happy, Tim clearly has been led on.

Lucinda and Timothy are joking about, it is as if they have swapped personalities, they are flirting with each other, Lucinda is a little bad and Timothy is being happy. Jack and Tori are away from the group, the group to be honest don’t want to be around them two.

Dinner time and I find it funny Timothy and Lucinda are across from Tori and Jack. Everybody just sits there eating, it’s very quiet and awkward.

Lucinda hits her glass and want to start a conversation and decided to fess up to the letter. She explains it was factual with a bit of fun and asked what they thought of the letter. Tori said the letter was petty. Tori is getting angry when people are asking questions. Jade interrupts and mentions that she went for a one-on-one with Jack and she asked him if he was with somebody more his type would he have slept with her by now and he said yes probably. Tori clearly has a lump in her throat. Come on Tori, how many people need to tell you all of this before you believe what others are saying. Jack said if he had a sexual spark with somebody he would have slept with them right now. Timothy asked Tori how she feels? Every time Tori tries to talk Jack talks over her. When people are trying to help Tori she doesn’t like it. Tori really likes Jack and doesn’t see he is playing her.

Richard has a very tense jaw. Richard has his say and explains what he thinks saying her previous relationships have traumatised her. She doesn’t believe it has anything to do with previous relationships. He keeps bringing up the previous relationships. She has asked him to not mention her previous relationships. She is getting upset and you can see people are feeling it and she loses it. The table goes quiet and it is quite awkward. Tristan admits he values Richard but he needs to look at his wife and see the sad side. Lucinda asks is there anything he can own up to.

Sara and Tim keep kissing so Tori asks how these two are doing. The group are saying if Eden tell them then he would still be in the dark. The fact she has delete the messages from the ex is wrong. He is trying to calm Sara down because she is getting stressed. Tim stuck up for Sara and she didn’t even butt in which is surprising.

Lucinda and Timothy are closer even Tori said that. Everybody sees they are vibing. Timothy admits that the retreat was where he has figure out himself, he gives credit to Lucinda and he knows he is broken. They kiss and everyone is cheering. Tristan is so excited about this. I love how his feeling are for them. Timothy is struggling with his emotions, he excuses himself from the table, he can’t hold himself together, he has had such a traumatic life. He realises during the whole experiment he has wasted time, all he wanted and wants is love. Lucinda goes to find him and give him some love and affection. She is probably the best person for him.


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