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Kin & Co (Harrogate 2021)

Alicia Maude

NOTE: before we get started I had my hair done back at the end of December 2020 prior to the third lockdown so Kin & Co are following the rules and they are shut.

I was desperate to get my hair done, throughout 2020 I have been box dying my hair and not had it actually cut and dyed professionally for a while. I used to go to Christopher Wrights in Leicester but now that I have moved I thought I would try somewhere local to me, I walk past this place most days and also they supported my huge local giveaway so I thought I would support them.

I contacted them on Instagram (@kinandcohair) to get some advice on what service to have. I popped in the day before to get a patch test plus the lovely woman (I think her name is Sam) cut a strand of my hair to test out.

On the day I went in with my face mask on and sanitised my hands with what they provided. I was told to take a seat in their waiting area, I looked around and noticed that it was really clean, when people left the staff was straight in to sanitise and make sure everything is all clean.

I was taken to my section of the hairdressers, other clients are at distance to you so there is no worry about social distancing Kin & Co have you sorted.

Now like I have said this is my first hair salon experience in Harrogate and obviously my first experience at a hair salon during COVID times so they said I can hang my coat up but they can't take it from me so I understand that.

You might remember my hair was mega long, almost down to my bum which I don't have any pictures of but I hope you can tell by these pictures above.

Simone was the woman who did my hair. Lovely woman, I think she owns it. She asked me what I wanted and I just said light and shorter, she advised me on what to do.

They roughly cut my hair then put them into foils, to be honest I don't know what they did exactly to my hair but they did it.

Normally with hair dressers they ask questions and it's just the mundane questions but this time it wasn't, she asked about my business and you could tell she was interested, it wasn't put on (or maybe she is a good actress). I felt comfortable talking to her.

Now if I could afford it I would go in get my hair washed every time it needs doing, the head massage was AMAZING, I could have fallen asleep.

My hair was cut and styled by the lovely Dotty and I couldn't love it anymore than I do, I feel like this was always supposed to be how my hair should be. Sometimes when you are in the hairdressers you look at your hair and they might have cut it too short or it is too dark or whatever but this was perfect.

My hair looks and feels healthy, it's easy to blow dry which I never did before because it took too long. I asked when do I need to come in again expecting Simone to say 6 to 8 weeks like most hair dressers say but she said leave it as long as possible plus she recommended I buy purple shampoo and mentioned Bodycare sell one but it's not very good and I could try other drugstores, the salon sells purple shampoo but she wasn't pushing the sale down my throat. I am definitely going to book again, my sister had booked to have her hair cut there but lockdown happened.

I would like to repeat this again Kin and Co are shut due to the lockdown and hopefully will be open soon, I had my hair done in December.


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