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Alicia Maude

In The News This Week: should the 12 year old boys found guilty of machete murder be named

Before we start, I have picked a news article or issue I have found this week and want to share my opinions, please don't take offense to anything, this is my opinion and I just want to share it with you.

You might have seen in the news about these vile 12 year old boys and I am going straight into it. Before you read this, it has some upsetting content and I am sharing my opinions, I know people won’t agree with me but I feel the best thing is to be honest and share what I think so that’s get onto it.

Last November, Shawn Seesahai lost his life when he was attacked and killed by two 12 year old boys with a machete in Wolverhampton. He was attacked with the machete, slashes to the legs, the machete went through his body from his back to the front, through the ribs and into his heart, he was hit so hard on the skull with the weapon that a piece of bone had broke away. CPR was done at the scene but sadly at 9pm he died.

I know this happened back in November but it has been all over the news this week with the story, should the 12 year old boys be named?

You can watch the Loose Women panel talk about it as well as Good Morning Britain.

It has been reported that the two boys who brutally murdered this poor guy have pictures and screenshots of knives on their phone. One of them had been searching the internet for “how many criminal records can you have to leave the country”, this search was done the day after the attack.

There is a picture of one of the disgusting 12 year olds but with his face blurred out, hands down the front of his trousers, that whole stance, hate it.

When both of them were taken in for questioning they both denied the charges and even blamed one another, neither of them shown any remorse. One of them commented on the crime, “it is what it is”.

So the question is: should the 12 year old boys found guilty of machete murder be named?


I think both of them should be named, point blank. Why keep them secret, those two ‘children’ as everybody keeps calling them went out and took somebody’s life, they had a machete, sorry hold on, where do you even get a machete from. Back to it, they killed him, at that age they should know by now that murder and abuse is wrong. Clearly they do not care, they are not remorseful so why not name them? We as tax payers and paying towards their stay in a youth detention centre, so why shouldn’t we have those sort of details, when they come out like James Bulger’s murderers they will be given a new identity and a new life, why not allow us to know their names. I think these disgusting animals need to be punished the way they punished the innocent young man but I think they need it worse.

Another question I have is, where are the parents, did they know the boys had a machete? I will leave you with that.


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