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I'm missing out on the lockdown experience

Alicia Maude

Aren't you lot lucky, an extra blog post this week, WHAT!?

I listen to podcasts and have been watching Loose Women (finally it's back on) and people are talking about their lockdown experience and I feel like I am missing out.

What do I mean 'I'm missing out on the lockdown experience?'

People are experiencing new things, the amount of new podcasts that are on the app because of corona, one of my friend's is learning how to play piano and singing then putting those videos of her onto Insta-story. People are learning new languages and people are working out. I feel like I'm losing my sense of self being, before corona this was my weekly routine (there are slight changes but this is general, times aren't always like this):

Monday to Friday:

  • 5:30am - get up and get ready for work.

  • 6:00am - get on the train to go to work, whilst on the train I would listen to a podcast, music or even watch a movie or television series, sometimes I would read or design some future products for Maude & Noah.

  • 7:15am - get off of the train and get my Starbucks order (thank God there is an app you can order your coffee).

  • 7:20am - get the bus to work, again listen to podcasts, listen to music, read a book etc (no designing though).

  • 8:00am - work, I loved my job however the place started getting a little toxic so a week before lockdown I handed in my notice, a few people during lockdown have left.

  • 4:30pm - leave work and head to the gym for a hour workout, I would do this three days and the other days I would pop to the post office to post out Maude & Noah parcels.

  • 6:00pm - travel back on the train, during that time I would work on my laptop on Maude & Noah bits whilst talking to Claire who I worked with, she had a long car journey home so I would chat to her.

  • 7:00pm - get home, unpack my bag and get ready for dinner.

  • 7:30pm - have dinner with my family.

  • 8:00pm - shower and get ready for bed but also get ready for the next day.

  • 9:00pm - lay in bed and watch some YouTube videos or read a book and I would fall asleep at some point.

Friday same routine but after dinner I would get into PJs and watch a film if I am not doing anything. I might even stay up late and make candles and wax tarts for my business.


  • 8:00am - get up, I struggle to sleep in so I would go downstairs and sort out the candles I made the previous night then get myself a coffee and watch YouTube videos in bed.

  • 9:00am - get up properly, another coffee and probably do my hair and makeup, take photos because it's most likely I have tried new products out for the blog.

  • 10:00am - walk to the post office to send out Maude & Noah parcels and treat myself to a Starbucks.

  • 11:00am - work on Maude & Noah.

  • 12:00pm - lunch, I don't always have lunch at this time but this is a rough timetable.

  • 1:00pm - I will either work on my blog or Maude & Noah.

  • 6:00pm - this generally is time I will spend talking to my mum whilst she cooks.

  • 7:00pm/8:00pm - dinner time and watch movies.

I don't go out weekly like most people my age, I've been through that stage, I used to work the nightlife (bars not stripping) and now I would rather spend time socialising in more of a quieter way although I do love a good night out once in a while.


  • 8:00am - wake up and get a coffee and get back into bed and sort out my weekly to do list for the new week.

  • 10:00am - put a hair make on and start cleaning my room, after the week I've had the vanity is a bit messy, I organise the deliveries of stock I would have had for Maude & Noah (Maude & Noah's head quarters are in my bedroom).

  • 12:00pm/1:00pm - lunch and spend time with mum.

  • 2:00pm - clean my makeup brushes, it takes ages.

  • 3:00pm - give myself a manicure and pedicure plus face mask (most of the time I am writing a blog post on the face mask)

  • 5:00pm - go for a bath and pamper myself.

  • 7:00pm - getting into pjs and getting ready for the new week.

  • 7:30pm - dinner.

  • 9:00pm - bed where I watch some YouTube videos or read then fall asleep.

Now I know I have started a new job and if we weren't in lockdown my routine would be pretty much the same but same we are in lockdown my routine feels more exhausting:

Monday to Friday:

  • 7:45am - wake up feeling exhausted because of broken sleep plus brothers are up late being noisy, they aren't in a routine, they wake up late and as long as their school work is done that's fine. I brush my teeth, I might get dress and maybe if I’m lucky I might put some makeup on but very rare.

  • 8:00am - sign onto my computer and work, I will get some lunch but eating it whilst I work at my desk.

  • 5:00pm - finish work and lay in bed exhausted until dinner, I watch YouTube videos or read but I end up falling asleep.

  • 8:00pm - called downstairs for dinner and then we (me, mum and dad then whoever else wants to) watch a few episode of a series we will be watching so it started off with Lucifer and we finished that so then Code 404 and finished that.

  • 10:00pm - bed and I try to sleep, don’t look at my phone just lay there trying to sleep but I can’t, my brothers are loud watching television or playing Xbox.

This is going to sound disgusting but between Monday to Friday I probably shower twice whereas I used to daily.


  • 6:00am - this is the irritating thing, I can have a lie in today but no, naturally I wake up, I want to wake up early during the week so I can get ready but no. I read a book.

  • 7:00am - I wake up again annoyed so go back to reading my book.

  • 8:00am - wake up again, WHY? Why can’t I just either stay awake and read the book or just sleep through? I get up and make myself a coffee then get ready and take photos for the blog.

  • 10:00am - Walk to the post office with Maude & Noah orders

  • 11:00am - work on Maude & Noah

  • 12:00pm - lunch

  • 1:00pm - I will either work on my blog or my business Maude & Noah

  • 6:00pm - this generally is time I will spend talking to my mum whilst she cooks.

  • 7:00pm/8:00pm - dinner time and just watch movies


  • 6:00am - 8:00am - wake up, go back to sleep, wake up, go back to sleep, I get up and grab a coffee then sit in bed watching YouTube videos, I have no energy to do anything else.

  • 10:00am - start writing blog posts.

  • 12:00pm - lunch

  • 1:00pm - I feel like I’m behind on Maude & Noah so I start making candles and wax tarts.

  • 4:00pm - do more work on Maude & Noah but this time it’s computer work.

  • 5:00pm - give myself a manicure, this is only because I am testing out a range of nail polish for my blog otherwise I probably wouldn’t.

  • 6:00pm - quick clean around my room then watch YouTube videos and check social media

  • 8:00pm - dinner and movies or a television series

I feel like my life is sad, now don't get me wrong whilst I work I do have a podcast playing in the background (LuAnna has saved my life) but pre-lockdown snacks on my office desk were nuts whereas lockdown snacks are Haribo Strawberrys, Doritos and Dr Pepper (there was always Dr Pepper on my desk, who am I kidding?) and I am constantly in the fridge. I am bored of talking to my family and just want to see other people.

Things I would do if I was furloughed or having the lockdown experience:

  • Work harder on Maude & Noah: I have decided that I won't be launching any new items until the world is healed a little but when I do launch new products they will be fantastic, I would take new photos of the existing products.

  • Work on Project B: now I this is a secret, Project A was Maude & Noah but I mentioned in my blog post Before I Turn...25 about this and I doubt it will happen before I turn 25 as that is this year's birthday. It has been a dream of mine but it is quite time consuming but if I was having the lockdown experience I would have the time

  • Study for my nail tech exam: also mentioned in the blog post Before I Turn...25 I said I wanted to train as a nail technician and I have started the course but during the lockdown I could do the online bits before the exam.

  • Pamper myself: I know before lockdown I would give myself a bit of a pampering on a Sunday but take time for myself, my week is quite busy before lockdown so just to be able to relax.

I don't want to come across as a brat, I know people have it worse than me but this is just how I am feeling, I did have a week off during lockdown but that was because I was really ill, bed bound and the doctors thought I had corona but even one day this week I have been viciously sick and blood vessels in my face burst, I looked like I had red freckles from a distance and when you came close I looked battered, this has NEVER happened to me but I have never been this ill, I finished work 30 minutes early and was back at work the following day still feeling rough. I just hate lockdown especially as I am suffering with FOMO


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© 2018 by Alicia Maude

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