I have worked with Halle since March 2018 and it that space of time I have cry laughter a lot and had some deep conversations so when I found out she was leaving I was upset but I know it's the right thing for her to do so I put together a gift of things that remind me of her plus some other bits.

Pamper Pack We work on our feet all day and it can be quite tiresome also work has recently been stressful so I thought it would be good to put a pamper pack together to destress before starting her new job.
Garnier SkinActive Moisture Bomb Tissue Mask
MasqueBar Charcoal Hydro Eye Mask
Montagne Jeunesse 7th Heaven Soften Sock Masques

Sweet Treats
I got her a few sweet treat snacks to keep her going.
Cadbury Joy Fills Milk Chocolate Creme
I have a few bits in that people probably won't understand but it's memories I have of her.
CanO Water - the story behind this is some kid came into the cafe and asked 'do you sell free water for free' for weeks after Halle would repeat that over and over again so I thought I would buy her water so she can have some free water for free.
Horlicks - I never knew about this stuff, it's like a hot liquid version of a digestive biscuit until Halle was drinking it and it seemed to be her drink.

I hope she likes it and it gives you some ideas on what you could get others, just think about memories you have with the person you want to give a gift to and go from there.