I haven't got many favourites this month but what I have got I wanted to share it with you.
Essie Nail Lacquer (Vanity Fairest)
I love this shade, I have repainted my nails with this colour many times during the month of February
Seriously Original Tasty Squares
I really love this cheese spread so when they did individual cheese squares I really enjoyed it more because I could control the amount of calories I was having plus I didn't waste any.
Starbucks Cold Foam Cappuccino with Almond Milk
In England or maybe just where I am we don't have the caramel cloud macchiato that I loved so was scrolling through the Starbucks app about to order just a regular cappuccino when I saw this, I changed the milk to almond because normal milk upsets my tummy and now this has become my addiction.
Super Noodles Chicken flavour
I haven't had these for years so when I did have them again I became obsessed.
I have been watching many videos on this YouTube channel, I love watching about crimes and bits.
Another YouTube channel that I watch for crime bits.
Can't believe how cute baby Asher is, the newest member of The Chatwins family. Royal is still my favourite.