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  • Alicia Maude

Doctor Who: The Star Beast

First of all I wanted to confess my love for Doctor Who. No sooner I heard my favourite Doctor would be back (the gorgeous David Tennant) and that Russell T Davies was back I had to do some sort of blog post so I thought each week dedicated to the episode. Did I also mention that Donna is my favourite companion.

Anyway let’s get on with the first episode: The Star Beast.

The Storyline

First of all a quick catch up with what happened, a flash back.

Doctor meets Donna in a busy street when helping her with her boxes. After Donna screams “Rose” it shocks the doctor and then he meets Rose her daughter which shocks him.

Something in the sky goes by, a crash. Donna so oblivious missing it as always.

Doctor gets into a taxi Shaun Temple who is Donna’s husband. Shaun tells Doctor about how Donna won the lottery, bought a house and then gave the rest to charity. £166m all gone.

Doctor sneaks into the premise where whatever crashed landed.

Donna’s mum is in the house, moaning about Donna losing her job, just like the old days.

Donna’s daughter was her son which I think Donna’s mum is struggling with. Donna mentions her granddad and it’s sad because Bernard Cribbins who played him has passed away.

Donna is struggling with her feelings of feeling like she is missing something which if you have watched Doctor Who you will know he has.

A piece of the space ship has landed near Donna’s house and Rose goes to see it, runs back home to get her phone only to find the alien that landed. The alien lets her know that some aliens are hunting it down to kill it.

Whilst this is happening Doctor is investigating at the crash site. Shirley Bingham sees him and gives him some readings. He is worried about the fact that he has regenerated with an existing face and a spaceship crash lands near Donna.

The soldiers open the space ship and a beam of light comes out and into them putting them into some sort of trans.

Donna’s daughter has put the alien (The Meep) into her shed, Donna goes in thinking the alien is one of Rose’s stuffed toys she makes and sells.

Doctor ends up at Donna’s house and Sylvia (Donna’s mum) slaps the doctor.

The soldiers end up where the daughter found the alien.

By the way Donna’s grandad Wilf isn’t dead, he’s in a home.

The aliens trying to hunt down the Meep are hunting it down because they used to use Meep fur as a fashion item.

The aliens come in blowing up the back of the house, the military are shooting. Doctor manages to help them all escape through the attics of Donna’s street and into Donna’s husbands taxi.

The doctor holds court in an underground car park.

The aliens (bug eyes, bug wings but horse two legs), turns out they were the good guys and the Meep is bad.

Doctor gets knocked out and ends up in the back of a military vehicle with the Noble/Temple family and taken to the crash site.

Shirley rescues them with her wheelchair which has weapons on it, darts and missiles. The family manage to escape but Donna goes and follows the doctor.

Doctor and Donna get locked in the space ship and start pressing the buttons.

Doctor gives a little speech that I feel like we’ve heard before. Doctor then starts saying words and Donna starts remembering those words, these words are what was mentioned when she was last on.

The evil little Meep is burning London and then Donna remembers the doctor and starts working with the doctor to bring down the Meep.

Donna dies in the doctors arms but wakes up when the soldiers have their inner light come out. Rose saved the day, she has part of the Donna Doctor thing inside her.

All the toys Rose was making to sell online were memories of the aliens Donna met. Binary was the last word Donna said in her old season, the doctor has many faces, she and he so non-binary.

Donna goes on her “one tiny little trip”, she can now that she has let go of her time Lord powers.

The Tardis is all white and very clinics looking and I love it.

Donna spills coffee on the tardis and it starts freaking out.

The Effects

Looking back at old videos which I do, I do do a Doctor Who marathon every Christmas but anyway the scenes are so crisp and perfect.

Last Thoughts

I don’t know if Donna’s daughter is a daughter or was a son, not sure about that so probably need to rewatch it. I love David Tennant and Catherine Tate and I love the stories Russell T Davies storylines and I know they have to be politically correct but have they gone a little too woke. One thing I love is the fact that Miriam Margoyles is the voice of the Meep.

Rating: 4/5


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