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  • Alicia Maude

Doctor Who: The Giggle

The final episode with David Tennant as the doctor.

The Storyline

Starts of in Soho in 1925 in a toy shop where some creapy guy sells Charles Banerjee a doll made with the hair of a girl who won't miss it.

Now the man who play Charles Banerjee is called Charlie de Melo, I went to school with his brother Freddie.

Anyway Charles has bought the toy for his employer who is making a television.

Back to the normal day where the world is going mad and Doctor is fairly confused. He starts dancing with the guy who we know as the sales person (The Celestial Toymaker) in the toy shop back in 1925.

Doctor gets taken by unit but as he does he sees The Celestial Toymaker.

The tardis is taken by helecopter with the Doctor and Donna to Unit where they are met by Shirley Anne Bingham, Kate Stewart and Melanie Bush (an old companion of the doctors).

The world all think they are right and are going mad but those in the Unit are wearing a special band called a Zeedex. They check Kate's brain with the Zeedex on and then the Zeedex off, with the Zeedex deactivated her brain goes wild, she becomes mean and slightly agressive.

Donna thinks it is a tune that is brain washing them, Melanie sings it and they all think it is that so Shirley looks it up and finds the video that Charles was making with his boss. It's not a tune, its a puppet laugh, the first image.

Doctor thinks something is coming back from a long time ago.

Kate offers Donna a job working for Unit.

Doctor and Donna go back into the tardis to 1925 Soho and head to find where the doll came from and went to the toy store where The Celestial Toymaker is juggling. Doctor tells Donna to go back to the tardis because he has figured out who the guy is, The Toymaker from previous (very old) episodes.

The Toymaker disappears (playing hide and seek), door after door they go through. Doctor doesn't know if he can save Donna's life. They get split up when going through the doors.

The Doctor goes through a door where Charles is wrapped up and put onto the wall kind of like how the doll was wrapped up but as Doctor unwraps him Charles a woodne puppet on strings.

The Toymaker has a Doctor puppet too.

Donna walks through a door and finds another little doll and then moe dolls come down and attack.

Donna and Doctor end up finding each other and the The Toymaker tells them a story about the doctor after Donna. Puppet Amy then Puppet Clara and on and on.

Doctor challenges The Toymaker to a game, they start playing cards and then The Toymaker goes missing with the toy shop falling apart.

Unit lasers off the satelite out just as Doctor and Donna come back to there, Spice Girls music starts playing and in comes The Toymaker in multiple forms and dances with Melanie and Kate, knocking them out and turning the guards into balls. The guns are firing out confetti not bullets.

Bells start ringing and he has the beam that lasers the satelitte. Doctor tries to get him to help each other. The Toymaker starts shooting at each other and ends up shooting the Doctor.

The Doctor thinks he is going to regenerate but doesn't fully regenerate or I don't know, they did bi-generated so there is two of them.

Both of the doctors challenge The Toymaker to a game. The game is catch, the person who drops it loses and it is The Toymaker who loses. He gets folded up and put into the box and put into a vault.

The golden tooth is on the ground and picked up by somebody with red nails and I noticed Kate has red nails.

The new Doctor uses a big hammer and hits the tardis creating two tardis. The new Doctor has a jukebox in his tardis and flys off but before he can he says goodbye to Doctor David and Donna.

Doctor has dinner with the Noble family and Melanie.

The Effects

The effects were okay.

Last Thoughts

With there being two tardis does this mean that this isn't the last episode of David Tennant, does this mean we can have more David Tennant as the doctor, I hope we get more from him.

Rating: 4/5


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