Before I start my letter to Mr Hand on the cock (Luisa Zissman’s name for him) I want to apologise for the lack of blog posts. I wanted to get this blog post up and done before now but I’ve been busy doing my room up and organising my business. Anyway onto the letter.
Dear Mr M Hancock,
I am writing to explain my extreme disappointment in yourself.
I listened to your little’s speach, I don’t recall hearing that you are sorry or any form of apology. What I do recall is this, “We have worked so hard as a country to fight the pandemic.”
Who is we?
I have struggled to see my family and friends physically over the past year to eighteen months, they are Leicester based and I am Harrogate based.
Who is we?
I’ve been wearing a mask when the rules came about, my skin had suffered, my breathing had suffered. I suffer with nasal issues and the masks don’t help but I am not except from wearing a mask, panic attacks I would have because of the masks.
Who is we?
I left my job just before the first lockdown and ended up starting my new job a couple of weeks into the first lockdown. As useful as Microsoft Teams and Zoom is, it’s not the same, it’s not as easy to learn new skills and do the job I’m in over social communication.
Who is we?
I haven’t had my operation to remove the loop recorder (records my heart) because regular surgeries have been cancelled to make space for COVID cases. I understand and accept it’s not priority.
Who is we?
Feeling like a prisoner in my house, my sister and two brothers having to move back into the family house when COVID hit. I felt trapped and most nights cried myself to sleep because the cases were going up and up and I was following the rules by staying in the house during the first lockdown.
Who is we?
I haven’t been on holiday in the last eighteen months, not abroad, not the UK. I wasn’t one of the many people traveling to Devon or Cornwall spreading the virus.
Who is we?
Suffering with dry and sore hands because of the amount of hand washing and hand sanitiser I am using.
Who is we?
Before the first lockdown I went on a date with a guy and because of the first lockdown I couldn’t see him, yes I spoke to him but still not the same and we are more friends than anything more. Me and this guy couldn’t get all handsy like you did however I think it was quite disgusting really that video, you look like a Randy high schooler, memes and gifs of you reminding people of somebody from inbetweeners.
“I understand the enormous sacrifice that everybody in this country has made….and those of us who make these rule have got to stick by them and that is why I have to resign”
I sacrificed seeing my family and friends.
I sacrificed going on dates.
I sacrificed my own mental health.
Stop with the we and the us. You can’t be apart of this we and us, this team when you aren’t following the rules. If you didn’t get caught you would still be Health Secretary.
“I am very proud of what we have done to protect the NHS…”
You haven’t protected the NHS by cheating on your wife with another woman who will go back to her husband, physical touch but I don’t mean your hands I mean the kissing, that is spreading germs.
“I look forward to supporting the government and the prime minister from the back benches to make sure we can get out of this pandemic.”
Sorry but you wasn’t being supportive when you was cheating.
I am infuriated with how as a tax payer, we pay your wage and you may not be one of the top dogs but you still work for the government.
If I didn’t follow rules at work that are serious, I would be fired without pay.
Hands > Face > Space
What a load of bollocks?
Doubt you will see this and if you did you wouldn’t care.
Alicia Maude
P.S. How funny are the memes and these clips below.
P.S.S. If you want to see his resignation video then it is below.