I have decided to write a blog post moaning, this isn’t to single out just one person because I know other people will feel the same but this is my experience so here it goes.
Dear Lady At The Bus Stop,
Please can you think before you do.
I get to the bus stop in the morning and you maybe there before me, you have your headphones on and don’t pay attention to what is going on around you, bumping into people and not noticing. The bus goes by and I have to dart in front of you to stop it and then you tut as if I’ve done something wrong.
Then there is the times when I may get there before you and I stand forward to hold my hand up for the bus to stop and you can see the massive puddle near the curb so when I step back I don’t need to be standing on you, you stand so close you are practically in my DNA.
When it comes to getting the bus, get into the queue, please don’t queue hop, you see me and the others at the bus stop allow the people who got their first to get onto the bus first but do you do that, no!
Oh and then there is the bag and chair, you sit on a row where there are two seat and yet you sit in the middle with your bag on the chair. Now I put my bag on the chair but no sooner we get busy I put it on my lap so somebody can sit there.
Remember the front seats are reserved for elderly people, people with disabilities and pregnant women but yet you allow the elderly lady walk down the bus to the next available seat and yes this is also a moan to those who are behind her that don’t move.
So let me briefly literate what I’ve just said:
pay attention to your surroundings
don’t stand too close
wait patiently for your turn
take up one seat for yourself and not two for you and your bag
give your seat up for the elderly, disabled or pregnant
I would really appreciate you taking what I’ve said into consideration.