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Alicia Maude

2021 For Me #Blogmas2021

I have done this sort of blog post ever since I started my blog so if you want to read them then click the year:

Working my way up in my job: My bosses at my normal 8 to 5 Monday to Friday job have noticed how well I am doing and have put me on a managerial course and next year if I hit my target which I will (not to sound big headed) I will be made a manager.

Health deteriorating: I feel like my health has deteriorated quite a lot, to think in 2019 I lost quite a lot of weight as you can see in the picture above but not just that I feel like emotionally and physically I have been struggling and you can read it in my blog posts this year:

Rebranding Maude & Noah: I mentioned this in 2019 blog post and thought this year was the year to rebrand the whole site and logo. I wanted to represent the brand within the logo and website on how it is right now, it's a little more sophisticated.



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