I did this last year, it's to recap what's gone on over the year, with highs and lows so here goes.
Getting a new job/move: I got a new job which meant I had to move in with family friends from Leicester to Yorkshire. The job has it's highs and lows but I do honestly love it. Family and friends have said with me moving out of the family home and away has done me some good. I have gained confidence and learnt some new skins as well as make new friends.

Losing weight: I have lost weight which is incredible for me, I started losing weight no sooner I moved away which is odd because I was eating a lot of takeaways but I have lost weight. I have signed up to the gym but have slowed down but still lost weight. The picture above you can see how much I have lost.

Hospitalised: I visited St James's Hospital in Leeds not through choice so if you want to know all the in's and out's then read the blog post Me & My Health #6 (Thyroid Complications) for more information.
Moving to Harrogate: Right so I am one of seven children (the eldest), my sister lives in Headingley because she's at uni, my brother lives in Salford because he's at uni, my other brother went traveling Australia so they haven't moved but the rest of the family moved to Harrogate which is very odd for me because for years my family have wanted to move to Yorkshire for a while but we finally did it. I have moved back in with the parents.
Rebranding Maude & Noah: I have rebranded Maude & Noah, whilst I was living with family friends I sold out and it was just getting difficult to do business and making products so I decided it was time to rebrand.

Solo trip to Stockholm, Sweden: I took a trip to Stockholm for my birthday on my own which shocked a lot of people but I loved it. I have a couple of solo trips planned for 2020 so watch out for blog posts that will come from them trips.